When it comes to Lady Gaga, public perception isn’t the center for her focus. She doesn’t care for it – like she states in her songs.
So, during her concert in Amsterdam, Lady Gaga smoked marijuana after a fan passed it to her during her show. We doubt that she would have thought of the backlash that happened soon after.
The Staten Island Borough President, James Molinaro was the first to comment about this. Apparently, he saw the video and could not hold back from lashing at the ‘Born This Way’ songstress. During his speech at the Tackling Youth Substance Abuse program launch – he had a few things to say about Lady Gaga.
Molinaro declared, “There’s Gaga. Here’s this … this … I would call her a slut. This slut is influencing many, many children … and it’s right to do. It’s fine, it’s part of it.”
“My niece has two daughters, 12 and 14, [and] they love this woman. Why? Why? We shouldn’t praise them. We shouldn’t honor them. We should really hit them. We should hit the sponsors that she has … where her millions of dollars come [from].”
Ouch… a little harsh. But, now we’re wondering what Lady Gaga has to say about this!
Here’s the video of the incident:

What do you think of the situation? Was it appropriate? Did she deserve that kind of slashing?