Title: Looper
Release Date: 27th September 2012
Genre: Action, Sci-Fi
Director: Rian Johnson
Cast: Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Bruce Willis, Emily Blunt
In the year 2042, a man working for a group of killers called “Looper” (they work for the mob and kill people who are sent blindfolded back in time from the year 2072 by their bosses) recognizes a victim as himself. He hesitates resulting in the escape of his older self.
Our Review
We decided to catch Looper without any expectations what so ever – we saw the trailer to the movie once, and sure, a few conclusions were already made – but we decided to go in with a clear mind in order to understand the movie in it’s full potential.
We were a little skeptical about the combination of action and sci-fi that the movie leaned on, but when we look at the entire layout of the movie from start to finish, we have to say, the story line and plot line were done so perfectly to the point where each and ever detail was full described which didn’t leave you hanging in wonder but also kept you on the edge of your seat. This is a rare charactristic to have in a movie.
Plus, in this era, movies are drastically one way or the other. For example, it can be full-blast action movie with no story line, or a movie with a great story line but no umph from the action. But with Looper, both the story and the action combined in a even manner. It was interesing to see how the story grew through out the movie and also how the characters slowly unveil themselves.
As for the acting, we were really impressed with what Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Emily Blunt brought to the table – Joseph Gordon Levitt played the younger version of Bruce Willis and not only did his make up convince us, but his facial expressions and motions proved that he knew what he was doing. And, as for Emily Blunt, it was nice watching her with her British accent and in a more motherly and action manner. When an actor/actress takes a role like this, it shows us diversity.
We don’t want to add spoilers, so all we have to say is that when you watch Looper, do not expect what you are expecting.