“A rebound relationship is a relationship which takes place immediately after the break up of a significant love relationship.” – Cathy Meyer, certified Divorce Coach, Marriage Educator and Legal Advisor.
It can be the guy which you’ve been having a crush on for a very long time or maybe a guy whom you have been extremely close to, whoever it is, there are chances that you could be his rebound. A healthy relationship should start afresh and once he has completely gotten over his ex. Here are some tips to identify if he is just using you to overcome his grief or if he really wants to be in a relationship with you.
(Source: how-i-met-your-mother.wikia.com)
Tip No. 1 : Your conversations are about his ex
Over the phone and when you meet him personally, the topics of your conversations mainly revolves around his ex. This is a clear indication that he isn’t entirely over her yet. Yes, he may be verbally claiming that he is over her but in reality he isn’t. A conversation in a healthy relationship should be about things which are happening around the world, your common interest and the plans both of you have for the future.
Tip No. 2 : You’ve not met his friends
Guys would usually introduce their girlfriends to their friends as they would like to get different peoples opinions about you. One of the signs that he isn’t serious about you is when he refuses to let you meet his friends. For instance, everytime you mention about meeting his friends, he tends to change the topic or to brush it away.
Tip No. 3 : He is extremely close to his ex
If a guy has gone through a bad break up, the chances of him being extremely close to his ex would be quite slim. Especially if he is trying his level best to overcome the grief. If they can get along so well, then why did they break up in the first place? That is the question which you should be asking yourself. It is quite common for guys to have a rebound if their main intention is to make their ex feel jealous and insecure.
(Source: sheknows.com)
Tip No. 4 : Social networking sites are filled with her pictures
Another possibility that you could be his rebound would be if you realize that his profile on all forms of social networking sites are filled with pictures of him and his ex. Wouldn’t it be quite suspicious, if he claims that he has no time to remove his pictures with his ex from Facebook when he has the time to update his status everyday?
Tip No. 5 : He only meets you when he’s emotionally down
You can never seem to have fun with this guy because he is always emotionally down. At the same time, on the days when you’re not meeting him, he tends tends to look extremely happy and is seen to be having a great time with his friends and family members. You should consider this seriously as there is certainly something wrong with the relationship if constantly appears to be “down” when he meets you. In a healthy relationship, both partners would be able to share their joys and sorrows together.
(Source: clicktonight.com)
Before things get worst, do your best to let him know that you do not appreciate the fact that you’re his rebound. If you have had a similar experience before, share your experience with us.