Always disliked having sex with your partner but enjoyed having the pleasure by yourself? Never could explain your problem to anyone?
Well not to worry ladies as there is nothing wrong with your. It is time to blame your hormones again.
The Medical Daily today reported that women who had higher levels of testosterone preferred to masturbate rather than to have sex with their partners.
According to the website, a total of 105 men and 91 women were asked to fill in a questionaire which asked them basic questions about their sex lives, relationships and etc. Later they were asked to produce saliva samples which were used by the researches to identify the level of testosterones they had in their body.
From their answers and the saliva samples which were provided, the researches from Michigan found that there was a patern whereby women who had more higher level of testosterones in their body preferred to masturbate compared to women who had a normal level of the hormone in their body. Stress was one of the factors which contributed to higher levels of testosterones in a woman’s body.
However when it came to men, they did not find any connection between the level of the hormone and their desire to masturbate or to have sex.
According to Van Anders, these results matched the finding from previous findings which proved that women in long term relationships had lower levels of testosterones and opted to find a partner to be with instead of just having them to have sex with.
His next step to get a better understanding of this is to look into social factors which contributed to this situation.