Do you feel the urge to run to the bathroom frequently ?
Light urinary leakage, LUL is a common problem we woman face. It can be quite troublesome as we can be running to the toilet very frequently but did it ever occur to you that even men are not spared from this problem?
Yes ladies, it’s a normal problem which one out of four women face and there is nothing which you should be ashamed of. Even celebrities like Kris Jenner suffers from this problem as claimed by The Everyday Health.
What causes you to suffer from light urinary leakage?
The main reason people suffer from this problem according to Dr Seri Suniza Sufian is because their pelvic muscles have become weak over time. When you are pregnant, it’s quite normal for you to experience LUL as your womb is heavy and a lot of pressure is being placed on your bladder. However, if the problem continues even after childbirth, that is a sign that your pelvic muscles have become weak from the whole process of giving birth.
Pelvic muscles can also become weak when you carry heavy things frequently. If you are the ‘go girl’ type of lady who enjoys moving your furniture around without receiving help from a guy, then you are asking for trouble as this will make your pelvic muscles weaker over the years.
According to Cleveland Clinics, if you suffer from nerve problems, you are also more prone to getting this problem. Activities which will send wrong nerve signals from your organs to your brain includes drinking too much caffeine and alcohol as these activities can dull your nerves up. The effects are worst when it comes to those suffer from serious neurological complications such as Parkinsons.
Women who have gone through menopause would also suffer from this problem as a result of estrogen deficiency in their body.
Change some of your daily habits
One of the main ways to overcome light urinary leakage is by doing the Kegel exercise. Kegels is an easy exercise which can be performed anywhere without anyone having to know that your doing it. All you would need to do is to contract your muscles which you use for urinating for a few seconds. Repeat this process a few times everyday.
Cut down on your caffeine intake and avoid carrying things which are heavy especially backpacks while going on a trip. Besides that, try to control your weight as the heavier you are, the more stressed up will your bladder become.
It’s never too late to start young lovelies and please do consult your doctor is the problem changes from bad to worst.
Do you suffer from this problem? If you do, then fear not and share your story with us now. We are more than willing to hear if you’re willing to share.