In a world where the mundane meets the magical, UMMA Bakawali Raya unfolds. Inspired by the enchanting Bakawali flower, a symbol of hope and renewal, this year’s Baju Raya collection is a testament to the beauty that emerges in every heart, creating everlasting memories.
The collection also features paired couple designs of Indera Kurta (#UMMAMEN) and Kencana Kurung Kedah (#UMMAWOMEN). But worry not, as all their collection is versatile enough to be mixed and matched with your partners.
For Women – The attire mirrors the grace and resilience of Bakawali. Each piece in our collection is infused with the essence of flowers that represent the colours of life, ranging from neutral tones to delicate, intricate patterns. The collection features 5 designs, each with 2 colours options for #UMMAWOMEN (sizes ranging from XS to 2XL) per design.
For Men – The Kurtas are a versatile blend of style and comfort, suitable for everyday wear and extending beyond festive occasions. Prioritizing comfort, each piece seamlessly combines sophistication and ease. What makes their collection stand out is its compatibility with their women’s line, allowing for easy mix-and-match options. The collection highlights 5 designs with 14 colours to choose from for #UMMAMEN (sizes ranging from X to 3XL) per design.
The collection is now available via: UMMA.MY or visit them at: AEON Shah Alam Level 1, ISETAN KLCC Level 2