Going commando may seem like something inadvisable to do, but even if you’re the type of person who wears underwear every day, there may come a time when you have to venture out without them. You might even begin to question why you hadn’t been going commando all along, after walking out and about without anything underneath, and enjoying the cold wind blowing down there unhindered.
While many people may go commando to prevent panty lines forming, or because it just feels good for them, it can be beneficial for your vaginal health to forego wearing underwear. Besides, who would know? Once you are aware of the advantages, you may decide to forgo this step of getting dressed more frequently.
You feel more comfortable
You’re definitely missing out if you’ve never tried this. Going without underwear is legit heaven, and you must try it, somehow. If your underwear bunches up, twists, or itches at the seams, you might want to try other brands, cuts, and styles — or skip them altogether and see how it feels. But for other people, comfort is the first and most obvious advantage of not wearing underwear. Going commando in a long dress, soft leggings, or a pair of baggy pants can make a huge difference. Just as good as it feels when you discard your underwear before going to bed.
Air flows freely
Airflow is restricted by underwear, especially those made of synthetic materials. You give the labia and vagina time away from cloth by going commando. This is frequently referred to as allowing the vagina to “breathe.” The idea of “breathing” only refers to the fact that for some people, the vagina can be a sensitive area and that increasing contact with moisture and clothing can make this sensitivity worse.
It relieves dampness
It’s not a given that wearing underwear will make you uncomfortable or face health issues. However, by giving the vaginal area time to expel extra heat and moisture, not wearing them is a novel technique to reduce dampness. This can be a blessing if you frequently sweat and discharge. Finding the ideal outfit combination for your needs while taking into account where you’re going and what you’ll be doing during the day is key. Wearing a loose outfit without underwear may keep your Miss V dry and comfy.
Reduce rashes
Putting all that warmth and moisture between your legs against your skin could encourage the growth of microorganisms. This results in the development of heat rash. When your skin’s closed pores trap sweat, it causes red lumps or superficial blisters, as well as an itchy or prickly sensation. Heat rashes disappear on their own, but you can avoid them by keeping your skin cold and dry. One of the best ways to deal with those nasty heat rashes is going commando once in a while.
Soothes acne
Folliculitis is another adverse impact of heat and dampness. Folliculitis is a relatively common skin ailment that causes your hair follicles to become inflamed with red and white lumps, which resemble acne or pimples. The area of your body where the itchy rash will most likely appear is along your bikini line, particularly if you shave before putting on some tight or uncomfortable underwear. Folliculitis can be prevented and treated in a variety of ways, such as applying a warm compress. However, to prevent the area from becoming even more irritating, it may also be helpful to refrain from wearing underwear.
Prevent yeast infection
Going about without underwear can occasionally aid folks who frequently get yeast infections by reducing their symptoms. You are more likely to develop yeast infections if you wear certain underwear that traps moisture. Without ‘breathability,’ undergarments without a cotton or natural fiber crotch cause moisture to build up and bacterial growth in the vaginal area. Going commando allows air in the vaginal area, minimizing moisture accumulation, which yeast thrives in, if you are prone to recurrent yeast infections.
Reduce chaffing
It might be advantageous for you to occasionally go commando if you enjoy wearing tight apparel and equally tight undergarments. Because of the friction created by too-tight underwear, the vaginal area may experience irritation and chafing. On the other hand, it might also depend on the fabric you’re wearing. You’re better off wearing softer fabric or nothing at all!
Improves ovulation
It is definitely possible to wear underwear that is so tight that it partially or completely blocks your blood flow. You will see imprints in the skin and on the inner thigh if yours are too tiny, or the elastic is too tight. Major circulation problems are uncommon because you’ll remove them before any harm is done due to the discomfort. But if you frequently wear extremely constrictive underwear, it’s critical to keep this problem in mind.
Boosts your confidence
Going commando can also excite you and even increase excitement with your spouse. Going without underwear can make some people feel hotter, according to them. You and your lover might find it appealing to consider going commando in public! It’s equally fine if you don’t like that as well. It’s up to each person to decide whether going without underwear constantly is desirable. Depending on what you’re wearing, it may even be beneficial to your health.
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