Going through a breakup can be tough on anybody. The time you spent with your now-ex and the memories you created together is all for naught the moment you go your separate ways. But don’t bottle your feelings up – you should express all your emotions before you can move on. And the best way to do that is through music. So we’ve prepared the ideal breakup playlist for you to listen to while grieving over your lost love.
Glimpse Of Us – Joji

No better way to start a sad breakup song than with Joji’s heartbreaking “Glimpse Of Us” – literal waterworks the moment the sound of the piano starts.
happier – Olivia Rodrigo

The song for you to lie down and cry to your heart’s content to, while reminiscing about all the happiest moments you had with your ex.
Why Don’t You Stay – Jeff Satur

Jeff Satur: Take me inside, and let me live in your mind…
Us: *bawling*
The Truth Untold – BTS

This song will make you want your ex back – but you know, deep down, that it’ll never happen.
Downpour – IOI

The moment Downpour plays, just cry. The melody, the voices and the rain effect will make your crying session the best you’ve ever had.
12:45 – Etham

Everyone needs their space, especially during a breakup, and this song cannot be anymore relatable.
Take A Bow – Rihanna

There’s no denying that our badgal RiRi has some good songs – and this tune is a good start for when you’re ready to move on.
2 soon – keshi

keshi’s line in 2 soon, “But I miss you, what did I do?, Fuck it up, laugh it off and I lost you” shows how fragile relationships can be.
Wish I Was Better – Kina, yaeow

This song will make you think of all the mistakes you made in your relationship, wishing you’d done better.
I’m Just A Ghost – yaeow

Breaking up means you’re going to be alone – a ghost, just floating around.
Pulang – Insomniacks

Yearning for your ex during a breakup is normal, and this song will make you yearn for them even more.
First Love / Late Spring – Mitski

If you’re still up at 2AM, then Mitski will make sure you cry yourself to sleep.
Moon Song – Pheobe Bridgers

Guitar strums, angelic voice and sad lyrics – the best concoction for a good breakup song.
ocean eyes – Billie Eilish

Ocean Eyes is one of those songs that makes you lie down and silently cry, with your tears flowing as steadily as the memories of your doomed relationship.
i love you – Billie Eilish

Scream “i love you” so many times with this song until you cannot say it anymore – and you’re ready to move forward with your life.
The Other Side – Conan Gray

Conan Gray is the boy version of Taylor Swift, so you know you’re gonna get a good solid cry from his songs, especially The Other Side.
Jigsaw – Conan Gray

Conan Gray’s Jigsaw will make you appreciate how you are, and not let you think twice about changing yourself for anybody.
Broken – Isak Danielson

The perfect song to cry to if you’re going through a bad breakup and are afraid of what the future holds for you.
All Too Well (10-Minute Version) – Taylor Swift

Finish the playlist off with Taylor Swift’s “All Too Well” – the best breakup song there is. It’ll also uplift you and help you move forward and forget your ex.
Listen to Lipstiq’s Breakup Playlist on Spotify HERE!
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Hear Your Tears: 21 Songs To Add To Your Playlist For A Good, UGLY Cry!