The dating game is pretty tough, especially when it’s long-distance. If problems occur even when your partner is right beside you, imagine how LDR peeps go through life. But just because your partner is thousands of miles away, that doesn’t mean your relationship is doomed.

In some cases, LDRs work when both partners make an effort to ensure that the relationship flourishes. However, they have their own ways on how to keep that spark alive. And video calls play a HUGE role in keeping your bonds strong (thank the lord for technology!)
So if you have a partner who just happens to be miles and miles away, or are planning to move somewhere where you can barely see each other, take note of these ‘virtual’ date ideas that will help you and your beau keep the relationship blossoming.
Watch A Movie
Simple, and doesn’t require any hassle. You guys basically just choose any free time you have to enjoy each other’s company via video call, and watch a movie together. It’s virtual ‘Netflix & Chill’. A great date idea to just spend some quality time with your partner.
Listen To Each Other’s Playlists
Music is a great tool with which to bond with your partner. It’s essentially a form of communication to express how much you love each other by sharing your music with one another. For a great music date idea, find a time to just lie down and share each other’s playlist by listening to songs, or creating your couple’s playlist to play for when you both miss each other.
Play Games Online
For this date idea, you don’t necessarily have to be a gamer to enjoy playing games together. There are loads of online games to play for couples – from online board games to card games. Secure a time for when you both get to have your very own virtual game date night.
Have Dinner Together
This particular date does require putting your cooking skills to the test. But all the more fun when you’re able to spend time with your beau and create a meal together, even in separate kitchens. Just choose a recipe you both like and cook the food virtually together. By the end of the cooking process, you’d get to have dinner together with the food you both just cooked – and chat via video. The perfect date night, if you ask me.
Send Presents And Unbox Them Together
If you and your partner’s love language is buying and receiving presents, then this date is right up your alley. Surprise each other with a gift that you both surely will love and clear your time to video call to open up the presents.
Tip for the girlies: If you truly want him to miss you, gift him your perfume – he’ll definitely appreciate it, trust me.
Get Down And Dirty
Sometimes, an innocent phone call can turn pretty steamy, pretty quickly. So, if you both really miss each other, get a little frisky and show how much you miss them. But just be careful – the internet is forever. So only do it if you really trust them.
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