Breakups are agonising to get through. All those years or months you spent together feel like nothing now. As hard as it is to accept, you just gotta move on. Hold on, don’t yell at me just yet – I know it’s not as easy as saying it, but if he/she can live without you, then so can you.
A bish is at the lowest in her life when she is going through a breakup. And I truly believe that a best friend is the key to getting your groove back. Sometimes, the support you get and all those late night “Help me, I can’t forget him/her” calls that lead to a night-long motivational talk will totes help you get back on track in life. But you can do so much more to get on that post-breakup glow up.
Speaking of which, here are a list of things you need to do that can help you bounce back from a devastating breakup.
1. Throw Everything In The Trash

Everything that reminds you of your ex partner should immediately be thrown into the trash. I don’t care if it’s a teddy bear, or a ring, or even a photo – if that person is no longer in your life and you clearly want nothing to do with them, why keep their memories?
Sure, I mean, if you really are sentimental, then maybe one item from that relationship that keeps you happy is the exception. But just one – the rest go in the trash. Especially if your ex treated you like sh*t, then you have no excuse to keep his “memories”. You do not need to be reminded of a painful past.
2. Get An Extreme Makeover

If your ex liked you for your long hair, then chop it off. If your ex liked you with a certain hair colour, then go and get your hair redone. What I mean to say is, get yourself an extreme makeover. Everything about your appearance that had your ex liking you in the first place can be transformed.
Now, please don’t take this out of context. I’m not telling you to abandon your true self and become someone else. The point here is, you can transform yourself into someone better, both appearance and personality-wise. Get yourself a makeover, so you feel happy and confident in who you’ve become thus far. A new hairstyle and a new makeup look can definitely make a major difference.
This transformation will help you love yourself.
3. Travelling

Being in an environment that reminds you of your ex, or memories with your ex, is hard, especially when you’re in the stage of a post-breakup. For now, you would wanna stay away from EVERYTHING that reminds you of them. And surroundings play a big role in that.
So stop crying yourself to sleep every day, and instead, get up and freshen up. Take a few days off from your busy schedule and travel a bit. Travelling helps you release your stress and forget any painful recollection of your past relationship. It’s even better, if you can travel with your family or friends. A healthier way to help you move on faster.
4. Change That Fragrance

Your perfume could be one of the things your ex liked about you. In fact, they might have even used that smell to identify you. So, if you wanna go the extra mile and be dramatic in this glow up process, changing your signature scent can make a huge difference.
A new scent can make you feel like a new person. And this helps boost your confidence and make you feel sexier.
5. Level Up Your Class And Standards

You are no longer the girl you were a few months ago. You’re on the road to recovery and discovering newer things about yourself. It’s time you level up your class and standards. So, previously, by some mistake, you fell for a piece of sh*t. Hereon, you can choose to raise your criteria for your future partner.
You may even try to improve your behaviour and character development, to become a classier and more elegant person. We all have an ideal person that we wish our future partner can be like. So, my one advice for you is to never settle for less. You deserve the best of the best.
6. Try Working Out

The key to a post breakup glow up is to find confidence in yourself. Working out is very helpful in this case. Set yourself a workout routine – you don’t necessarily have to do it daily. Twice or thrice a week would really help you focus on yourself and your transformation. Also, if you’re a gym-conscious person and you hate going to the gym, then you can choose to work out in the comfort of your bedroom.
Work on certain parts of your body that you would like to accentuate further. For instance, do a booty work out, thigh work out, maybe some abs and curves, etc. Work your body into the best shape, so your ex knows he just lost a yummy snack.
While your main goal is to move on, your side goal is to definitely make your ex regret their choices.
7. Find Your New Style

Crucial, darling! Like I said, you are no longer that bish, so an extreme makeover includes finding your new style. If before this, you liked wearing baggy clothes and not so appealing outfits, CHANGE THAT! Look for outfits that accentuate your curves and frame your silhouette perfectly.
Why hide such an amazing figure? Flaunt your figure, darling, cause you’re about to be a snack that makes other men turn your way.
8. Your Ex’s Friends Are NOT Your Friends

I know this may not be the case for everyone, but if you really want to forget the person who broke your heart, then I think it’s important you lose the people who remind you of him. Brutal, I know. But, it is painful to still be related to your ex’s friends. I mean, they really aren’t your friends and you never know if they might be talking behind your back. So yeah, you have no business keeping contact with people who weren’t even your friends to begin with.
Once you throw the whole stash away, trust me, the air around you will feel a whole lot lighter and you will genuinely start enjoying life.
9. Don’t Jump Into Another Relationship

Gurl, you are just recovering from a breakup – I don’t think its the right time to start seeing someone else. Yes, it is a good idea to start seeing new people, but all that time looking for someone else could be used to invest in yourself. Once you are happy with your life and satisfied with yourself, then maybe your heart will be ready to open up to someone else.
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