Have you ever had that moment, when you’re going about your business, and suddenly, Miss V starts releasing air? Yeah – if you have a vagina, you most definitely have experienced this at least once in your lifetime. Don’t worry, it weirds me out too. I guess when you have a hole, all sorts of things are bound to come out of it. These air bubbles are called ‘vaginal farts’ – also known on the internet as “queefs”.

Queefing happens when air is trapped inside your vajayjay, and I’ve mentioned this before in a previous article – whatever that is trapped inside the vagina has to come out. Chill, ladies – it’s just trapped air that is making its way out and if you’ll notice, vaginal farts don’t emit odour or big sounds. They’re a silent occurrence that only you and your vajayjay know about. It’s a completely normal occurrence, and it’s barely a sign of any health concerns. However, vaginal farts can be a symptom of a certain health condition IF it happens regularly. Read on to find out.
But before that, let’s understand what really causes vaginal farts:
1. Sex Or Insertion Of Objects

You’re in the midst of sex and everything is just heavenly, but all of a sudden, without warning, your vagina decides that it is a good time to release air. You’re lucky if your partner is too into the moment and doesn’t notice. It would be a confusing thing to have to explain to your partner if they actually realise what just happened. Awkward!
So, why does she do that? Why does she fart so embarrassingly when you’re in the middle of important business? Well, when you insert an object like a penis into the vagina and thrusting begins to take place, the action of going in and out actually traps air inside the vajayjay, and as the action comes to an end, your vajayjay can’t take it any more, and she just gotta blow all that air out. It’s not her fault you decided to bang so much, you know. The bish gotta do what she gotta do to ensure your vaginal health.
2. Exercising

Now this is something your girl here is very familiar with. But, I kinda find it funny. Back when I had all the time in the world – during the lockdown days – I convinced myself to stay fit and healthy so I could have a glow-up moment after the pandemic. Then the pandemic took forever, and after a while, I was like “puck that sh*t” and got back to my regular routine of munching. Anyways, the point is, throughout my exercise routine, I always noticed how my vagina never stayed quiet. Like this bish had a lot to say as I was doing my pelvic exercises.
The vagina tends to release air when you’re working out because certain movements during the exercise can cause air to be trapped inside, so eventually, with all that jumping and heavy breathing, your vagina, too, can huff and puff air out. Absolutely normal – so just go with the flow.
3. Pregnancy

Many women have experienced this during pregnancy, and there is really no proper explanation to it. Apparently, it just happens. But then again, you’re carrying a human inside of you, so occurrences like this isn’t really a big deal, because your body is bound to go through a lot of changes, which include regular vaginal farts. It’s a completely normal thing.
4. Pelvic Floor Anatomy

A lil scientific here – the pelvic floor is a dome-shaped muscular sheet that separates the pelvic cavity above from the perineal region below. These muscles hold the pelvic organs in place. What does this have anything to do with vaginal flatulence? Well, everyone’s pelvic floor is different, and some are just more prone to expelling trapped air from the vagina, which is why you may have more vaginal fart occurrences than your friends. Your pelvic floor can also be the reason for queefing.
So, these are just basic reasons why your vagina may fart. Although vaginal flatulence is considered normal, there are instances where your vaginal farts can be used to determine vaginal fistula. Vaginal what-fula?!
Vaginal Fistula
A vaginal fistula is an abnormal hollow tract that connects your vagina to other organs such as the bladder, colon or rectum. This may be a potential cause of vaginal farts that may not be related to sexual activity. So, if your vaginal farts have a certain odour to them that you find rather weird, and if your vaginal discharge seems different, then it would be a good idea to visit your doctor.
There are different types of vaginal fistulas and these are based on the position of the hole or tear in the vagina, as well as to which organ the tract connects.
- Ureterovaginal fistula occurs between the vagina and the ureters.
- Rectovaginal fistula occurs between the vagina and the rectum (possible during childbirth)
- Enterovaginal fistula occurs between the small intestine and the vagina
- Colovaginal fistula occurs between the colon and the vagina
- Urethrovaginal fistula occurs between the vagina and urethra.
Vaginal gasses are one of the symptoms of vaginal fistula – there are various other symptoms. So, if you think your vaginal farts are not normal, go ahead and do more research online, and please do seek medical attention if needed.
But, other than that, vaginal farts are completely normal and there is no specific way of preventing them. You just gotta live with them and embrace them when you queef.
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