So, I guess it’s time. It has finally come down to this question – is it the penis or the vibrator? A lot of people have various opinions on this matter. Some may say vibrators are all we need, while others seem to not give up on the d*ck. Where do I stand in the midst of this? You will find out today. First of all, can you believe it – back in the day, when there’d be a room full of hormonal women and only one man, the ladies’ would fight over who’s going to get laid that night. Whereas today, if a woman is given a choice between a man and a dildo/vibrator, she might genuinely choose the latter. I mean, fair enough, some men are just ****! But, are the man-made toys really greater than the men themselves? Well, let’s find out.
Sit back, chill out and try reading this with an open mind, just for your amusement. Leave all your opinions behind and let’s just take a brief look at the differences between these two choices.
A lil general knowledge for those of you who may not know – the vibrator was invented by a physician named Joseph Mortimer Granville. Contrary to the popular belief that sex toys are meant for pleasure, vibrators weren’t even invented for women to begin with. It was a medical device for men to use on THEIR body parts as a means of curing body pain, spinal diseases and deafness. Apart from that, the vibrators were also used to treat impotence. So, ladies, these things that make us scream were never for us to begin with. But of course, with time and newer inventions, vibrators evolved into the devices that bring sexual pleasure and which are now widely sold on the market.
Why Vibrators?

Why are vibrators so popular? Why are women more aroused by a toy compared to a human companion? Well, here are what vibrators can do:
Provide Pleasure

It’s a known fact that a vibrator, or in fact any sex toy, is able to give you sensational pleasure that some might find impossible to achieve with a human companion. This is true to a certain point. I mean, vibrators are meant to give you that ‘eye rolling back in your head’ pleasure, that is it’s sole purpose, anyways. The intense pleasure is so strong with a vibrator, that other stimulation methods may seem less pleasurable – according to sex educator, Zoe Ligon. Single women, or women who are not up for a one night stand, may often explore the world of vibrators and later get hooked on the delectation. Once you go vibrato-mode, it’s kinda hard to go back.
Orgasm Solution

Also, vibrators are a person’s one stop solution for orgasms. Along with the intense pleasure, comes an explosive orgasm. So, for women who can’t seem to reach their climax, they most definitely will lean to a sex toy for help. So yes, vibrators are great for helping you release and making you feel so damn good at the end.
You Can Do It Yourself

Another pretty cool fact is you don’t need someone else to help you love yourself. I mean, whenever you feel horny or you need attention down there, it’s a one-on-one moment with you and the vibrator, and soon enough, you’ll find your way to cumfest.
Convenient & Portable
Well, it’s basically ready to do it’s job anytime and anywhere. There are no feelings involved in this. In fact, it’s all about you. If you’re in the mood, then that’s all you need. With a vibrator, you can’t really hear, “Oh, I’m not in the mood for this right now”. So much easier to deal with.
So, if you look at it from the bright side, you get to have solo sex by yourself without all the relationship hassle and minus all the drama that comes with a penis.
What About Men?
Now, what happens to men? Where do men stand in this face off? First off, why on earth would a human’s fleshy-dangly thing be compared to a tiny, portable, battery-run device? It’s just not a fair argument, in my opinion. Why, you ask? Because, logically speaking, vibrators give you a heightened pleasurable sensation that feels amazing – but at the same time, it may not be a realistic approach to sex.
Let’s turn the tables around. Ladies, imagine your man having a sex toy that gives him ultimate pleasure and he later complains, that you aren’t providing the same. I mean, not that there’s anyone complaining about the penis – just saying! That comparison wouldn’t make sense, would it?
So, how are men better than a vibrator? This is how:
It’s More Just Than Sex
No matter how much of a horny piece of sh*t you are, we all need love! Periodt. A true gentlemen, who knows how to treat his lady, can offer you more than sex – he may offer comfort, support, strength and so much more. A man who’s an animal in the bedroom but a loving and gentle companion overall. Now, not being judgy here (I lowkey am), not sure if a vibrator can give you a muscled arm to lean on.
An Emotional Package We Need

Yes, vibrators do give you toe-curling rapture, ain’t nobody denying that. But, can it flirt with you? Can it make you feel butterflies in your tummy? Can you develop a romantic feeling and be content? A vibrator can’t, but a man can. Not all men though, honey, don’t get me wrong. The right man can most certainly give you the loving you deserve as a woman. And then comes the sex with the man who cherishes every part of you – that’s a win-win if you ask me.
The Uniqueness
Listen girlies – vibrators are all the same and they all come with the same purpose. But men are all different and so unique in their own ways. Can’t say the same for vibrators now, can we? I’ve seen people review vibrators and all of them say the same thing, the only difference is some will give you a better experience. But with men, it’s a whole different world to explore. So many things to discover when you meet the man you like. So many emotions to unlock and things to learn about him in the bedroom. That’s a 10/10 romantic escapade I wouldn’t trade for anything in this world.
Sex With A Man Is Incomparable
And of course, the sex itself is a journey like none other. I’m not talking sex with a lil momma’s boy, I’m saying sex with a MAN!

The touching, teasing, sucking, kissing, fingering – actions that you can never achieve with just a vibrator. Like I said, a true man will know how to love you. He can make you go wild, turn you on and show you a different side of yourself you never knew you had. And, it’s so much more fun and enjoyable when you have someone who can make you excited in many ways. Rather than just doing it alone.
So, my final verdict is – nope, men can never be replaced by a vibrator! Now, I’m not saying vibrators are not the way to go – of course not! If you enjoy the solo company of a vibrator, then you go, gurl. You do you, boo! There’s no right or wrong here. All I’m saying is, I’m a woman, and I like me my men! Besides, there are ways in which sex between you and your partner can still involve vibrators – it adds delight to the already sensational moment. Till next time, thank you for reading!
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