Have you ever had one of those days when you’re going about your business and BAM, you meet that one bish you hate the most in a totally random place? Or worse, you run into your ex while grocery shopping – and, adding to the agony of the moment, you look like you haven’t showered in days? DANG! The humiliation.
Why am I talking about this? Because, just like how you can meet people you dislike in unexpected places, you can also TOTALLY come across your soulmate in a random location. How would I know? You’re right, I ain’t God to foresee stuff, but what are the chances of it not happening? At this point, I have been through sh*t – and I can confirm that life throws you some of the best surprises, potentially at the wrong time, as well.
So, in case you were wondering, these are some random places you could actually meet your significant other.
1. At The Train Station

Now, your girl here takes the train daily, and when I tell you that I see jaw-droppingly hot men on a daily basis, I seriously do. The train station is a totally random place, but also one of the common places people may meet or at least get a glimpse of their future partner. Imagine this: you’re about to board a train after office hours and it’s hella packed. You’re all smooshed up against each other – and what appears to be someone who looks like your ideal partner. He smells delicious, looks good, has muscular arms – so you’re telling me you’re just going to look past this breathtaking creature?
You can’t tell me this isn’t possible, cause it absolutely is. Love is beautiful when it’s coincidental, and the train station is where most coincidences happen. Or maybe I’m just fantasizing way too much.
2. At The Grocery Store

If you can meet your ex at a grocery store, no doubt, you can SOO meet your soulmate there too. You and your soulmate may even be shopping in the same aisle. Or maybe, it’s a person you always see at the grocery store, but you’re just not aware that they’re the ONE.
You know what would be a totally random thing? If you forget to bring your wallet, but you’re stuck at the cashier and the person behind pays for you instead. You turn around and there he is! What? Oh, please! You’re not going to get prince charming riding to you on a white horse – but the guy saved your ass!
3. In Traffic
Not in on-coming traffic, of course. When you’re stopping at a red light, you never know if the person in the next car is the one you’ve been looking for. For instance, if your car decides to break down and now you’re stuck in the midst of traffic. Maybe some gentlemen will stop by in his Porsche to help you out. At this point, anything can happen, honey.
Or, if you’re really an unlucky person, that “gentleman” could just stop by to rob you! I’m just saying life is truly unpredictable.
4. In An Elevator

If you can find love in traffic, an elevator is no biggie. Seriously, the chances of you meeting “the one” in an elevator isn’t impossible. I mean, most office romance K-dramas start with the two lovebirds meeting in the elevator. Or, maybe you get drunk and randomly make out with this guy in an elevator. Turns out, he’s your soulmate. The endless possibilities and the endless scenarios that could take place – so yes, definitely the elevator!
5. The Bookstore

OMG! Totally random and totally romantic!! A smartly-dressed guy, leaning against the bookshelves, holding a book with his sleeves rolled up – totes turns me on, and if it gets you wet too, then you and I can agree on one thing: that we don’t always visit the bookstore to only look at books, if you know what I mean (virtual wink!).
So the answer is ‘yes’ – you can 100% meet your soulmate at a random bookstore.
6. At A Restaurant
Ya never know if the waiter who serves you at the restaurant you regularly visit secretly has feelings for you. I mean, if you see a waiter like this:

Dang, I’d visit the restaurant every damn day. Call me desperate, but I am.
These are just a few places. Like I said, life just throws random sh*t at you, and you’ll never know when or where you’ll meet the love of your life.
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