The most sensitive and delicate part of a woman’s body is that little space in between her thighs, as you may already know. The question is, how much do you actually know about your vajayjay? Are you well educated on it? You may think you know it all, but there are some mind-blowing facts about your vagina that you are going to learn about today that will probably make you ask: “How is SHE doing THAT?”
I mean, it can freaking push a human out into the world – so believe me when I tell you that your vajayjay has super powers, girl! Anyways, this may also be for the guys who want to learn a thing or two about your girlfriends’ private areas and what they’re capable of. It’s not only for you to stick your shaft up there, you know! There’s a lot more to it than you think, so come learn as I walk you through some eye-opening facts about the ‘hoo-ha’.
1. It Ain’t A Tunnel

In other words, girls, you can’t really lose something in there. Be it a condom or a tampon, nothing can go missing once inserted into the vagina. I’ve seen and heard girls say: “I am so scared to put anything down there, what if it never comes out?” Girl, chill! Yes, the possibilities of a tampon getting STUCK in there is likely, but you CAN get it out! Just, go see a doctor. It’s not going to go missing. I repeat, your vajayjay ain’t a secret tunnel space for things to get stored and disappear – everything that goes in has to come out.
2. The Outer Labia = The Male Scrotum

Yeah, you heard that right! The tissue that folds and hangs loosely around the vaginal and urethral orifices is known as the labia majora. And that part is actually derived embryologically from the same tissue as the male scrotum, also known as the ball sack. The labia is extracted from the same tissue that produces the scrotum in the male.
3. It Can Get Pretty Big

We know that when a woman is aroused, her vagina changes size and is seemingly bigger, to allow penetration and also prep the entire p*$$y for sex. But how big can it get? A vagina, when aroused, can grow up to 200% of its normal size. You thought your shaft was big – we ladies have it bigger and better!
4. She Is A Natural Bleacher

Did you know that bish down there can actually bleach itself? Have you ever noticed that some of your dark coloured panties have a faded and pale spot in the centre? That is actually caused by discharge from your vajayjay which is acidic and able to bleach your undies. Which, by the way, is a completely normal thing. I have like, 10 bleached undies in my drawer, and if you do too, please know that it is normal, safe and healthy for your vajayjay to do so. She’s just a lil’ acidic sometimes.
5. She’s A Squirt Machine

Do you notice that your girlfriend ejaculates a clear, water-like liquid when she reaches her high? Or, ladies, are you worried when that happens? Chill, cause your vagina is just having the time of her life. Squirting is healthy, and while some girls orgasm without the squirt, some vajayjays do release in such a way – so just devour the wet mess your girl is!
6. The Clitoris Has 8,000 Nerve Endings And Is Comparable To A Penis

The clitoris is such a sensitive area of the body, because it has about 8,000 nerve endings that make it absolutely sensitive to heat, touch and temperature. Also, the clitoris is a homologous erectile tissue, similar to that of a penis. However, the penis has only 4,000 nerve endings.
As much as you think the clitoris is only a small part of the entire vulva area, it goes deeper than you think. The clitoris goes far beyond the outer portion, which is the glands, and the entire clitoris is about 0.5 to 2cm in length. The clitoris wraps all the way to the back of the vaginal canal, which is approximately 80% the size of a penis. And if you thought your penis was great, think again!
7. The Vagina Is Set At A 130-Degree Angle

Honey, if you thought your vagina is a canal level with the ground, you’re so wrong. It sits in a 130-degree slanting position from the opening. Which is why, when you try inserting that tampon, it feels like you’re hitting something. So try positioning it a little bit bent, before pushing it in.
8. It’s A Self Cleaning Service

You don’t need soaps and feminine hygiene kits. Stop messing up the PH level of your vajayjay! Do your vajayjay a favour – if you have a basket full of feminine wash, throw it out. Your p*$$y legit only needs lukewarm water for cleansing, because she knows how to clean herself.
Your PH level should be kept balanced with hydration and regular washing with water, when foreign and possibly chemical-filled products are introduced down there. She might have a hard time cleaning herself, which leads to odour and imbalanced PH levels – but she can manage it!
So, that’s about it girls… and guys! Hope you had fun reading! Until my next vagina-related lecture, see you!
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