Everyone, if given the chance, would like to live the high life. But truth be told, most of us simply can’t afford it. But even if high-end products and designer clothes are out of reach, you can still look elegant, classy and put together – like a rich, noble lady. However, here’s where it can go downhill – in the midst of portraying yourself in the most classy way possible, you may be doing something that gives you away as… (hmm, let me try to put this in the most polite way possible)… a fake! Dang! That hurts to even say.
Correctly playing the part of what you’re aiming to achieve is crucial. Just cause someone is rich, doesn’t mean they’re constantly dressed in Gucci and showered in Chanel. No! Sometimes, classy people are the simplest-looking, and that’s pretty much what makes them stand out. So, if you want to appear boujee, these are the things you should AVOID at all cost – and maybe use to identify someone else as a fake boujee.
1. Stereotypical Ideas About The Rich

This is the most basic thing that you can use to tell if someone is pretending to be living the high-life, and if you, too, do it, you should stop. When a person is pretending to be rich, they have a certain attitude of copying what they think a rich person looks, talks and behaves like. And immediately off the bat, you will know if they are faking it. I mean, of course, fake it till you make it isn’t exactly wrong, but in this case, it doesn’t help much.
Their appearance becomes simply stereotypes of the rich – the clothes they wear, the brands they put on display on their socials, the cars they drive (or at least, show off) and the overall lifestyle they choose to show to people – all these may give away that that person is actually fake rich.
So, be careful – maybe the guy picking you up in his Merc probs rented it someplace. Idk, what are the odds – you tell me, gurl.
2. Overdoing The Clothes

Do you actually see rich people overdo their appearance? I mean, of course they do have designer labels on them most times, but the point here is – they don’t eat, sleep and breathe money (at least they don’t show that they do). In a sense then, not all of them will show that they are rich.
For instance, pay attention to how Angelina Jolie dresses. We know for sure that the momma is rich as heck! But, in terms of appearance, what makes her stand out in a crowded room, and you can instantly tell that she has money, is her simple choice of clothing – she never overdoes her fashion. Or, another great example is Duchess Kate Middleton, freaking royalty, but she always steps out of the palace looking simple yet elegant – and rich.
Not sure if this makes sense, but the richer you are (or want to appear), the less you should put it on display.
3. Conversational Show-Offs

First off, lemme say I strongly dislike (hate) peeps who do this! When someone is faking their richness, literally each time you make small talk with them, they never fail to mention what they did over the weekend, who they met, where they went, how much they spent. Like, BISH, please, stop! First, I’m not interested, second – you’re really giving it away.
When you are trying to be someone that you’re not, that’s when you feel the need to say things like this to actually gain attention. Rich people don’t go about telling their business to other people. You know what will make you feel and look richer? When you’re just this beautiful mystery that everyone is trying to figure out. So, if you wanna be that ‘boujee girl’ that bad, avoid saying these in your conversations.
4. Perfect Social Media

You can never trust anybody these days, especially someone who has perfect social media feeds. If your feed is just Gucci bags, Chanel makeup, expensive as fu*k OOTD, private jets, meals worth hundreds of dollars – something about this is just very suspicious. Like it doesn’t come across right.
Of course, they may be real wealthy people who do share how their life is, but it’s really a rare case. Wealthy people aren’t really interested in showing off everything on their social media pages – most times, they share meaningful stories on their pages or business related content. And then there are the fake ones who love to put everything on display. I have one question for you – for what, gurl? Why? Where are you going with this and what are you going to get out of this? Your bank account ain’t flowing, so don’t pretend like it is.
Even if you do wanna pretend, at least be reasonably believable.
5. Fake Promises

Have you ever come across someone who promises a thousand things, and yet never fulfills them? Yup, those are the ones you must be careful with. They may seem to have all the money in the world and tell you they will take you places, buy you things – and then there’s no sign of those promises.
Fake rich people will make so many ‘boujee’ promises to boost themselves and make them look better, but they almost never deliver – that’s how you know sh*t ain’t real.
So, until next time, when I have more to tell you, these are the signs and behaviours you should avoid in order to not look fake rich. Also, use it to your advantage when you wanna bust that one friend who fakes her whole life.
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