If you’ve spent enough time on different dating apps or social media platforms, you’ve most certainly received those lonely ‘Heys’! And, let’s face it, it may be rather frustrating when you receive a message, open it, and all you see is this single word. And that is all. Sooo?! You might be asking “what am I expected to do with this?”.

It’s hard enough to figure out what a man is thinking in person, let alone through text! If you must know, texting “hello you” rather than “hey” or “hi” has a different feel. “Hey you” is a much lighter way of approaching someone. It also expresses intimacy and shows that you are connected.
We girls always struggle to decipher messages – so we have to let the guys know about this, right? Here are 5 quick and easy ways to respond to a “hey you” text from any guy.
1. Say ‘hey’ back

The most basic and straightforward reply might also be the most effective. A simple “hello” in return demonstrates that you want to talk to him. At the same time, it conveys to him that you expect him to put in a little more effort. After all, everyone can say “hello,” right? I do find this response convenient, because personally, I don’t really expect people to be texting me. So if they do, keeping my pace slow is probably the right thing to do.
2. Stay neutral

So a guy texts you out of the blue and you’re not sure if that’s a flirty kinda ‘hey’ or a casual ‘hey’. If you’re easily confused or you’re unfamiliar with him, this is a good option. You can also choose this form of response if you simply aren’t interested in him or are unsure of his motives. Maintain a respectful demeanour, but avoid imitating his domineering tone. Most of the time, I prefer staying neutral because you know, guys can be a little dumb (and I mean it!). The minute you try a friendly approach, they straight away think you’re flirting with them when actually, you’re not! So to stay on the safe side, consider the following responses:
- hi
- hello
- how are you
3. Use emojis or GIFs
Emojis come in handy when you’re at a loss for words. Emojis can be an effective substitute for facial expressions and body language while communicating via text. They might be amusing and seductive if you’re into him, but they can also indicate perplexity or displeasure if you’re bewildered by his low-effort communications. On the other hand, GIFs are a quick and easy way to respond to an SMS with limited content. Send him a GIF or meme that encapsulates your feelings. It might just be enough to get him to say something interesting and break the ice.
4. Say something cute

A little cuteness isn’t going to hurt anyone. Get a little more loving if he’s your crush or someone you’re seeing. “Hey, you!” is sometimes just a pleasant way to say hello. Don’t be scared to respond with something more warm and fuzzy if you’re genuinely into the guy or if you’re currently in a relationship. The next time your person texts you, try these responses instead:
- Oh, hey, cutie!”
- “I was just thinking about you. ;)”
- “Hey, babe!”
5. Ignore or block
Sometimes, you just want to avoid that one person at all costs – and that’s simply because they’re a pain in the ass, or you just dislike them. If he annoys you, you don’t have to respond. And don’t worry if he’s gonna nag you about it, because that’s your choice. If you’re weary of his low-effort communications, or simply don’t like the guy, don’t feel obligated to continue the conversation. You have the option of refusing to answer his texts or asking him to stop contacting you. Blocking his number directly would be a better approach.
And there you have it – a guide to responding to just about any guy! Anyways, if you’re really into the conversation, don’t hesitate to respond back. Who knows – you might find the right guy!
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