Cheating: the ultimate relationship transgression and a well-known relationship killer. Cheating is not that straightforward – it’s definitely messy, intricate and perplexing, and it’s so much more than a rash, impulsive decision. First things first – it’s not only guys that cheat. Nowadays, even female are pros in this relationship killer game. There are tonnes of reason as to why people cheat, even when they’re already in a happy relationship.

Of course, cheaters aren’t the only ones who want to know the answer to this issue. Betrayed partners want to know why they were betrayed. They’ve often spent a lot of time and effort creating the finest possible version of “us,” only to have that vision of existence shattered. Their self-esteem and ability to cope with life on their own terms may be shattered as a result. Even if they had nothing to do with their partner’s decision to cheat, they sometimes question what they did wrong.
So if you’re someone who got cheated on, here are some possible reason as to why your partner might have done it.
1. Because they’re bored

This is a very serious issue that is often overlooked – after all, how could you become weary of the person you love? Well, here’s the truth: it happens. In the long term, a relationship will not be the same as it was at the start. When you start dealing with reality, all the lovey dovey things and excitement will ultimately slow down. As a result, few people are prepared for this stage. Some, on the other hand, manage to strike a balance, while others, when the enthusiasm fades, retreat, since the relationship no longer matches their pace.
2. Lack of intimacy

Like it or not, intimacy is one of the keys to a healthy and long lasting relationship. When was the last time you and your partner had physical contact? It’s important not to take intimacy for granted because it’s the only thing that can exist between you two. However, if your relationship, despite your best efforts, appears to lack closeness, whether physical or emotional, that’s a red sign right there. Many people use this as a reason to cheat on their partners. Consider this: how good might a relationship be if it lacks the most basic feature that sets it apart from other casual relationships? Take your intimacy seriously.
3. Falling out of love

If you can fall in love, then there’s also a way to fall out of love. They used to tell you everything about their day, but now they don’t bother to tell you anything. This might be a tactic to put their feelings of no longer being interested in you at bay, or it could be outright cheating. The fireworks that you originally felt when the two of you first bonded starts to fade, and continual conflicts and clashes became more common. These are also signals that your lover is preparing to leave your life – and cheating simply makes it simpler for them.
4. They do it out of anger/revenge

As a kind of retaliation, people would sometimes cheat on their partners. For example, if one partner has been flirting or even cheating with a friend, the other partner may cheat as retaliation. Other causes of anger-driven infidelity are:
- frustration due to lack of understanding
- partner is never around when in need
- partner doesn’t contribute to the relationship
5. Commitment issues

People who have commitment difficulties are more prone to cheat in a relationship, whether to avoid commitment or because they have a different definition of commitment. Some potential causes of commitment-related infidelity include:
- having different opinions about the relationship
- fear of committing (even if they love their partner)
- no interest in long-term commitments
- easy way out of a relationship
6. They want more
They have the most loving partner, a wonderful relationship and everything is going so smoothly but… it’s still not enough! Despite having an ideal relationship or an ideal partner, some things are just never enough. They want more as in more attention, more sex, more love and when their partner doesn’t give them that, they see cheating as an option. It’s okay to want more, but you know, too much of a good thing can sometimes be harmful. Plus, it’s not like your partner can give you everything 24/7!
None of this still makes sense to you? Then screw it! If someone has decided to cheat on you even when it’s not your fault, don’t waste your tears on them. Live your best life. After all, there are still plenty of fish in the sea!
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