When you find out you’re pregnant, you’re instantly hit with overwhelming feelings – both nervousness and excitement. I presume that’s one of the reasons why it takes a solid 9 months before the arrival of the baby, to give the new parents time to digest the news, as well as prepare the essentials before their new chapter begins.

However, when you’re almost at the end of your third and final trimester, the feelings may shift. Don’t get me wrong, the excitement is still there, but it’s overshadowed by anxiety, nervousness, and a little chaos in the mind. If I’ve just described how you’re currently feeling if you’re about to deliver, or felt it during your previous deliveries – rest assured, it’s all very NORMAL.
I say this confidently, because I’m also about to ‘pop’ anytime soon and the emotions that run through our bodies and minds are indescribable. As much as I want to take a chill pill and go “aww” looking at baby clothes once again (I have a three year old toddler, too), I want to just stay put (perhaps be in my own company) and watch something that allows my mind to be at ease.
The emotion is always strongest for the mother because there are many reasons contributing to it – the spiked hormones, the countless kicks in your tummy, discomfort (imagine a 2kg plus watermelon attached to your stomach), constant visits to the restroom, managing a hyperactive toddler and preparing for the arrival of the baby. The list can go even longer, but these are the basic day-to-day feelings a pregnant woman experiences. So if she’s a little cranky or wants that ice cream, you husbands better be quick on your feet!
With many things going on in your third trimester, the best way to avoid last minute stress is PREPAREDNESS. I can’t stress enough how important being ready contributes to easiness later on. This includes preparing the things a newborn baby will need at home (baby cot, clothes, diapers, bottles, baby bag, etc.), your postnatal care (massages, clothes, pumping accessories, confinement essentials, etc.) AND, hospital bag for both you and baby. Getting the hospital bag ready is something often overlooked by mothers because they focus all their attention on preparing baby items.
Once you have crossed the 36th or 37th week, it’s a reminder to get your hospital bag ready, to avoid last minute chaos or panic. Let’s face it, the arrival of your baby can be ANYTIME after the said weeks. You do not want to Google hospital checklists as soon as your water breaks or contractions begin. So, always keep your hospital bag ready ahead of time, just to be on the safe side. Make your journey to the hospital as breezy as possible, because mental calmness will help you go through the situation with ease.
So, to make your life a tad bit simpler, I’m sharing the essentials you’ll need to incorporate in your mommy hospital bag. For all you beauty conscious mommies out there, I’ve not sidelined you. Here are must haves for both normal and cesarean deliveries.
Hospital bag checklist (for mommy):
- Comfortable gowns and clothing – it’s best to avoid 2-piece clothing
- Grip socks
- Birthing ball and other labor tools, like personal massagers
- Basic toiletries — soap, shampoo, toothbrush/toothpaste
- Disposable mesh underwear – it’s not the most attractive, but it does the job
- Maternity sanitary pads – some hospitals provide maternity pads while some require you to provide it. Either way, it’s best to bring along your own.
- Breastfeeding bras
- Thick scarf – temperatures can get very cold in hospitals and it’s of utmost importance to keep yourself warm. Use a long scarf to cover your head and ears to avoid chillness entering your body
- Face essentials – Don’t forget to bring along your daily moisturizer, lip balm and powder. You need to keep your skin hydrated and face looking fresh so that you feel the same.
- Body care – Deodorant, comb, hair ties, headband, clips
- Basic makeup for the beauty-conscious mommy – If you need to apply some coverage to your face, use BB or CC cream instead of foundation. Use a face mist to keep your face looking hydrated. Bring along your eyebrow filler, concealer, kohl for the lower eyelids and mascara to give you the ‘revived’ look, camouflaging the tiredness.
Hospital bag checklist (for baby):
- Newborn diapers
- Baby wipes
- Flannel swaddle blanket(s)
- Booties and mittens
- Baby onesies or other comfortable clothes
- Standard knit hat
- Pacifiers – if necessary
- Baby formula – some hospitals have baby formulas available and some don’t. Best to check with your hospital just in case formula is needed. If you don’t plan to breastfeed or want to keep formula as a backup, it’s best to bring a small pack along just in case.
The checklist above is merely a guide. You can customize it according to your preference and needs, because at the end of the day, it’s YOU who will be in a real situation. So my personal advice would be to make it as comfortable, easy and simple as possible. Enjoy the whole process and keep a calm and positive attitude throughout.
You got this mommies!