We’ve all heard the expression “feeling butterflies in your tummy,” which alludes to the tension and excitement that accompany having a crush. But what happens when you experience butterflies in other parts of your body? Imagine getting tingles in places you’ve never had them before, and wanting to kiss every hot guy (or maybe girl) you come across. My friend – it sounds like you’re horny.
Horniness is a feeling of sexual excitement. Not the kind that makes you jump up and down, but more like a craving for sex, or to be touched physically. If you’ve never experienced this before, your sexual impulses may be both exhilarating and terrifying at first. You may be unsure where to turn when the mental and physical cravings for make out sessions begin to manifest. Fret not, cause you’re not alone; this is a completely natural reaction that most people have when they reach puberty.
There are many factors that contribute to feeling horny, and it isn’t only due to watching sex scenes on your favourite shows. We’ve compiled a list of possible symptoms of horniness, as well as why you get horny in the first place.
1. You Fantasize A LOT!

You can’t seem to quit fantasizing about someone for some reason. Everything is related to your sudden horniness, from the attractive movie star you’re fond of to the Starbucks barista with pretty eyes.
Have you ever wondered why this thing keeps happening to you? The medial orbitofrontal cortex is important in sexual imagination, according to studies based on brain scans. This area of the brain is in charge of processing sexual desire imagery as well as your feelings about such desires. This is because this area of the brain is critical for how your brain handles emotion in general, which is a fundamental component of fantasy. Another reason is your brain is also developing, which is why you’re fantasizing. As you begin to age and especially when you’re in the adolescent stage, you tend to develop various ideas and sometimes, those ideas might just seem HOT!
2. You Feel Restless

If you have trouble sleeping, or you get anxious being in the same space as someone, there might be a theory. Your mind is sometimes flooded with images of the person you have a crush on. And it’s not called sexual frustration for no reason. You are restless because you think about them so much. Stopping your thoughts is also not an option (of course you can’t). This is why there is a certain ‘method’ for overcoming restlessness and getting some sleep.
3. You Have a Tingling Vagina

On a physical level, what does it mean to be horny? For starters, there are the tingles. The term “tingly” is overused to describe female sexual desire, but it isn’t entirely inaccurate. When you’re horny, you truly do tingle. If you’re sensing things down below that you’ve never felt before, it’s a sure sign you’re turned on. Blood rushes to your genitals when you’re sexually stimulated, causing them to dilate. Your genitals literally bulge with pleasure.
4. You’re Wet

One of the more straightforward responses to the question “what happens when you get horny?”, to be honest, is getting wet. It’s not usually a sign that you’re horny when your vagina is noticeably wetter than usual, although it could be. Extra blood flows to the vaginal walls while you’re excited, allowing for better lubrication. If you’re having difficulties remaining dry and are tired of changing your underwear multiple times a day, it’s possible that your sexual hunger is to blame.
5. Your Heart Rate is Up

It’s understandable if being horny makes you feel a little jittery. The mere concept of sexual action causes the body’s blood pressure and pulse rate to rise. When you’re horny, your body is in a mild-to-moderate state of heart-racing stress, which is perfectly normal to make you feel agitated. Also, when a person is aroused, their pulse rate increases from roughly 70 to 150 beats per minute. That’s the same as an athlete putting in his or her best effort!

You know the signs, so you should also know why you get them. Feeling horny isn’t wrong, and different people have different reasons as to why they feel that way. Here’s a breakdown of what might make you feel lustful.
1. Your Hormones

Testosterone is commonly linked to libido in both men and women; when your testosterone level is high, your horniness is likely to be high as well. In women with vaginal tissue, however, testosterone increases are frequently linked to ovulating, which occurs about 14 days before your period. The increased oestrogen released after ovulation has also been found to increase sexual desire, and some women feel hormone-related horniness throughout their periods.
2. Due To Certain Foods

Strange but not impossible. Ever heard about aphrodisiacs? Aphrodisiacs are substances that promote sexual desire or pleasure, and (wait for it…) they can be found in a variety of foods that we eat on a regular basis. Some food like artichokes, asparagus, chocolate, figs, oysters, strawberries and watermelons are said to contain aphrodisiacs. It’s possible that experiencing an increase in libido when eating these foods is more of a placebo effect, but if a romantic meal of oysters, asparagus, and chocolate-dipped strawberries is on the menu for you, why not indulge? However, whether they do or do not put you in a good mood is entirely debatable.
3. Alcohol

This is something we can all agree on. Alcohol does make one float on cloud nine! Many people find that drinking alcohol makes them more horny. There’s no doubt that alcohol can make individuals feel hot and restless. However, if you’re wondering what happens in your drunken-ass body to make you so merry, the magic happens in your brain. When a person takes a substantial amount of alcohol, the brain produces dopamine naturally. This is the molecule responsible for a person’s happiness. Women’s libido and arousal are affected by alcohol in the same way as men’s. A single drink usually increases desire and increases the likelihood of sexual activity. So the more you drink, the more likely you are to become horny. (P.s. I’ve heard tequila is a good choice for making you horny.)
4. Stress

While stress has been shown to reduce libido in some people, it has also been shown to improve mood in others. Sex and masturbation both release feel-good endorphins and oxytocin, which can improve your mood and help you relax; simply thinking about sex can cause dopamine to be released. So, if you use masturbation as a stress reliever on occasion, it’s natural for your mind to wander to sexy thoughts while you’re anxious.
Overall, libido is a highly personal experience, and there is no such thing as “too horny.” There’s nothing wrong with being horny all the time (just be sure you don’t pounce on someone). In reality, having a strong sex drive and active sex life is beneficial to one’s general health and quality of life.
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