There’s nothing like getting home to unwind after a long, exhausting day at work. Everyone relaxes in their own manner, and believe it or not, there are more options to unwinding than cuddling up on the sofa with a pint of ice cream in one hand and the TV remote in the other. Personally, I always sleep to unwind. Sleeping does the trick – but of course, one can’t be sleeping all the time, right!

So, what better options are there? If you’re someone who has no idea how to unwind, we’ve got you covered. Ditch the old sleeping habit and try out some interesting ways to unwind as below.
1. A Bath

Wash away your tension and stress with a nice hot bath. Warm water can help you relax, but hot water from a shower can assist your muscles to relax. Consider adding Epsom salts to your bath or treating yourself to some bath bombs for a more soothing experience. Simply soak for as long as you like and emerge feeling revitalized.
2. Coffee Date
This may or may not be the ideal thing to do, but with the right people, it sure does help. You don’t necessarily have to go on an actual date with you partner, but this date can be like a self-date or with a friend too. The trick to this is to look for cafes that are not quite crowded, or a place with greenery, or perhaps, create your own coffee date at home. Sip a hot cup of coffee and have meaningful conversation that’ll be sure to get a heavy load off your head for sure. If you’re a loner, grab a cup of coffee and sit in the spot that makes you the most calm.
3. Take a Walk

Walking isn’t just healthy, it helps you get your mind off your worries. Working in the office, meeting clients and driving about is so very tiresome, and there comes a time when you just want a moment to catch your breath. A good walk would definitely help. You can choose to walk in the park, in your garden or anywhere that makes you feel at ease. It doesn’t have to be a long walk though, a few minutes would do. To make it more fun, you could bring a friend along. If you live near a beach or jungle trails, that’s an excellent place to wander through.
4. Relaxing Aromas

We could all use a little more peace in our lives, and aromatherapy is a terrific method to achieve just that. As you transit away from the “high voltage” phase your brain has been in for most of the day and prepare your body and mind for the night, aromatherapy can help you reduce inflammation in your body. You don’t need a fancy tool for this; just a few scent bottles will suffice.
Certain scents can evoke happy memories and even help you relax by relieving stress. Herbal scents like lavender and rosemary, as well as a fresh flower scents like ylang ylang, are wonderful choices because they have been shown to lower cortisol levels, induce calm, and reduce stress. But if you prefer something else, you can check out homesick for more scent options to unwind.
5. Journaling

I find this quite a relaxing activity. Consider keeping a notebook in which you can write down your feelings. To help you release and process your feelings as well as goals, write about them. It can be about anything you feel on that day. Whether it’s a happy or sad moment or maybe something you’re just mad about, feel free to write those feelings down. I mean, you can just rant and shout about it, but that’s gonna drain all your energy and that, too, after a long day at work. Starting a journal can help you better understand your feelings and problem-solve any challenge you’re dealing with. Journaling also allows you to gain a deeper understanding of yourself.
6. Chill at Home

Ahhh, nothing like home sweet home. Home is a space where you can freely express yourself without being judged. So to unwind, you could pretty much do anything. Go for a glass of wine, make your comfort food, watch your favourite show on TV, take a long hot bath, read a book or turn the music on. It’s your choice! Anything that makes you unwind, and that too in the privacy of your home, is never a questionable thing.
7. Unplug

If you frame it appropriately, this one is actually less intimidating than it appears. I’m not recommending that you turn off your phone, computer, or tablet for the entire evening. Instead, the idea is to start by switching to “Airplane mode” or “Do not disturb” for about 30 minutes. It will be impossible to relax no matter how you choose to do so if you are continuously thinking about work, even when you are not at work. As soon as you leave the workplace, the first thing you should do is forget about work. It’s best not to bring work home with you. After devoting the majority of your day’s energy to the office, you deserve to set aside some time for yourself.
8. Meditate

You don’t have to strike a yoga pose and chant ‘ohm’ all the way. While formal meditation is a terrific technique to channel tension into positivity and peace, some people find that alternative forms of meditation are very relaxing. Put on a face mask and listen to some soothing music on YouTube while you relax in a chair or your bed. You might also listen to a meditation podcast to boost your mood after a long day at work.
More on unwinding? Read this:
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