Dating is tough. Online dating is a minefield. I’ve never really tried dating apps, and now, based on what I’ve learned, I’d stay far away from them. Watched Tinder Swindler on Netflix? Well, that’s exactly what we’re gonna dive into today. Tinder is the most popular online dating app, with people now looking for “true love” on the platform. Despite the fact that many have found love on Tinder, Tinder Swindler has exposed the dark side of internet dating.

Dating online is really intimidating – and thrilling. You feel all excited meeting someone new, sharing common interests and building that bond. The question is, how safe is it? Or is it even a real person you’re communicating with? While dating apps are indeed a useful platform for making connections, there are people out there who take advantage of this platform for personal gain. The Tinder Swindler depicts a real-life scam artist who presents himself as an Israeli billionaire’s heir, and preys on women on Tinder. Basically, he connects with women, manipulates them and robs them. Scary, isn’t it? Still wondering if you should try online dating? Well, don’t worry. We’ve got some tips to help you avoid being love scammed.
1. Watch Out For Love Bombing

Online dating can be overwhelming, and it’s easy to fall head-over-heels in love, especially if you’re new to the relationship game. Most often, online dating involves more manipulation tactics than simply meeting someone in real life. Be careful of someone who lavishes love, attention, gifts, and other tokens of devotion almost too soon, as these are merely methods of gaining confidence. This is characteristic of romance scammers; they will love-bomb you at the start of the relationship to make you feel unique and give the appearance of a genuine connection. So, if you notice this behaviour, try to reject the gifts, or simply state that it’s too early for any of that.
2. Refrain From Sharing Personal Information

I mean, the whole point of using dating apps is to get to know someone – but sometimes, refraining from leaking certain information is the right thing to do. If you’re dating someone who is openly curious about topics, it could be a red flag and if it feels uncomfortable, it’s already a bad sign. While it’s typical to ask questions to get to know someone, it’s odd if you’re questioned about common security concerns. For instance, your mother’s name, first car, first pet, birth place, and so on. They want to get to know you – but digging at the very start might seem fishy. Best option here is to politely decline to answer the questions – or simply cook up a lie!
3. Avoid In-person Contact

While it’s normal for couples to meet after a certain period of online dating, a tinder swindler is totally the opposite. In-person dates are avoided by online scammers. This could be a hint that you’re not chatting with a real person. Some talks may appear genuine at first, but when you try to carry them over into real life, you’ll see them setting up obstacles. They will always make excuses and may even evade your queries to avoid having to deal with you face-to-face.
4. Asking For Financial Help

The trick to this is gaining your trust first through manipulation, and then robbing you. It is definitely unusual for someone who you’ve just met to share their financial status, as this is quite personal. If someone you’ve just started dating drags you into their financial problems, it could be a sign of a deeper character flaw. As a result, if someone requests for financial assistance, it’s advisable to limit your assistance to emotional support. To avoid being scammed, don’t give them your bank account information or any other personal information.
5. Don’t Change Your Platform

Dating apps would keep a record of your conversations – which is why scammers would do anything to draw you away from them and towards DMs. They would lure victims to WhatsApp, Snapchat, Instagram and so on. As a result, they will have access to your phone number or other personal details. The best option would be to take things slow and maintain communication on the dating app. Once you’ve gotten to know the person and have met them, then it’ll be safe to share your number and social media accounts (that is, if you feel comfortable).
6. Think Before Video Calling

In the dating world, this is a common blunder. You start a video call, and they blackmail you with videos the following minute. Also, with today’s technological advancements, altering something and making it appear incredibly lifelike is nothing new. Even if it’s someone you believe you know, be cautious while using your webcam with a new online love partner. It’s possible that the footage will be used against you. This is true for cameras on all types of devices, including PCs, laptops, cellphones and tablets.
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