We have endless makeup hack sources right at our fingertips, but to actually carry them out takes a lot of practice. Watching a video of someone who’s done it multiple times is one thing, but to actually put it to the test on ourselves can make or break our makeup look – especially with the whole ‘cut crease’ look that people have been doing on their eyes.
A sharp cut that separates the eyelids and the crease of your eyes to show contrast takes a lot of skill to master – and a non-shaky hand. But you don’t have to go above and beyond to do this look. There’s always a simple solution to your every problem. So, drop that flat brush and concealer, because here are two hacks that you can easily do to create a cut crease.
Makeup Wipes
Makeup wipes aren’t just used to wipe away all that makeup (and frankly, they don’t do it all that well) – but that’s a whole different story. You can use makeup wipes to gently wipe away the shadow to create the cut on your crease. No, your finger won’t get in the way, as it functions as a guide for you to trace up to where you want the crease to be cut.
Mind-blowing, I know! Plus, if you have a sharper nail, it’ll make the process a whole lot easier. Or, if you’re a girl with blunt nails like mine, then a pair of rounded tweezers (not sharp ones, because you don’t want to poke your eye out) would do.
Q-tips are a godsend if you struggle with cut creases. They are already small enough for your eyes, but for precision, opt for Q-tips with a triangle tip. To cut the crease, you either dampen the bud with water or soak it with your makeup wipes and you’re good to go. It’s the easiest hack you can do to create the sharp line on your eyes.
Check out this video below on how to cut your crease using makeup wipes with a pair of tweezers or a Q-tip.
More on beauty hacks? Read these:
What The Hack?! Natural, 2-Ingredient Hacks That Will Change Your Beauty Game!
SHIMMER WITH SYAHIRA: Weird Makeup Hacks That Are Just All Kinds Of WRONG!