When it comes to beauty, less is always best. Be it your makeup or cleansing routine, keeping it short and sweet is always rewarding. We know Korean beauty regimens can go for more than 10-steps, but ladies, do we really need THAT many chemically-infused products on our delicate faces, when we can get it done naturally, in like, 2 steps?

No, we’re not kidding. If you’re looking for alternatives to keeping your beauty game on while going all-out natural, we have some amazing beauty hacks that will make you ditch your high-end products for these easily-accessible ones. And guess what, most of these can be found in your kitchen. It can’t get easier than that, can it? Let’s dive in to find out more about these beauty hacks!
Illuminating cream
Make your very own illuminating cream by mixing some highlighter powder with your moisturizer. Once you’re happy with the amount of glow you’re looking for, apply that all over your face and neck area. You’ll be surprised with the result of this 2-step beauty hack. You can achieve super-radiant skin without having to purchase many single-purpose products.
Brow Gel
Out of brow gel? Fret not. Simply take some coffee powder and mix it with petroleum jelly! You’ve got yourself an instant, all-natural brow gel! All you need to do it use a clean spoolie and apply it over your brows – just like how you normally would.
Lipstick Or Blusher
Beetroot is not only a highly nutritious vegetable – it makes for a great makeup ingredient due to its high pigments. So, for a simple cheek or lip stain, mix some beetroot pieces or powder together with aloe vera gel and apply it on your lips and cheeks.
Cream Contour
For this, you’ll need some cocoa powder mixed with your daily foundation. Keep adding small amounts of cocoa powder until you’re happy with the darkness of the mixture. Use a contour brush and apply the cocoa contour just below your high points of your cheeks. It’s that simple!
Lip Moisture Boost
A well-hydrated lip is the key to having your lipstick looking its best. We’d recommend prepping your lips with a super-hydrating boost just before your call it a night. The best beauty combo that can help you achieve soft and supple lips are a combination of almond oil and Vitamin E oil. You’ll be surprised how these two oils can magically infuse so much hydration!
More on beauty? Read this:
Magic Potion: Need A 5-min Skin Rejuvenation Treatment At Home? Here You Are!