Birthstones are 12 gems linked to the 12 months of the year – and, like horoscopes and zodiac signs, are significant to those born in the corresponding month. Some wear their birthstones as accessories, not just because they’re pretty, but due to the gems’ purported “protective” powers.
Each of the 12 stones has a distinct and significant meaning, so let’s discover what yours is:
January Birthstone: Garnet

Because the gem resembles the colour and form of a pomegranate seed, the name “garnet” derives from the Latin word granatus, which means “seedlike.” Garnets have long been seen to be powerful gemstones that may assist us in protecting ourselves. A garnet is a wonderful way to show a loved one that you care about their safety in all of their new endeavors.
February Birthstone: Amethyst

The term “amethyst” derives from the Greek word amethystos, which means “sobriety.” The amethyst was supposed to protect against drunkenness among the ancient Greeks. Amethysts can help us be more self-aware and assertive in our romantic relationships. It’s supposed to enhance relationships and offer bravery to those who wear it.
March Birthstone: Aquamarine

Sailors have long thought that aquamarine talismans would protect them from the dangers of the sea. The relaxing blue tint of aquamarine is said to help us eliminate negativity and strengthen our connection to our inner power. Wearing this gorgeous gem is said to rekindle married love, improve bravery, and provide happiness.
April Birthstone: Quartz

A quartz’s elegance and luminosity are unrivalled. Because of its resistance to damage and scratches, quartz is associated with strength, which is why it is associated with eternal love and courage. The quartz is known as vajra in Sanskrit, which also means lightning; in Hindu mythology, vajra was the weapon of Indra.
May Birthstone: Emerald

Emeralds get their name from the Vulgar Latin terms ‘esmaralda’ and ‘esmaraldus,’ which loosely equate to ‘green gem.’ It was also one of Cleopatra’s favourite jewels. It’s been linked to fertility, rebirth, and love for a long time. Modern people have come to link the emerald with knowledge, progress and patience, making it one of the most valuable jewels.
June Birthstone: Pearl

The pearl has traditionally been associated with purity. Pearls were thought to be the solidified tears of joy from Aphrodite, the goddess of love, by the ancient Greeks. Pearls are worn to quiet a restless mind and manage anger, and they’re also associated with being able to keep a loving marriage.
July Birthstone: Ruby

For millennia, humanity has been fascinated by rubies because of something unique about them. The ruby was considered the “king of jewels” by ancient Hindus because it was thought to protect its wearer from evil. Today, the ruby’s vivid red hue is seen to represent love, passion and sensuality.
August Birthstone: Peridot

The bright green tint of peridot has earned it the nickname “evening emerald.” Green peridot crystals discovered in volcanic ash were previously thought to represent the tears of Pele, the Hawaiian Goddess of Volcanos. Today, a peridot gift might convey to the receiver that they can liven up a room regardless of the situation.
September Birthstone: Sapphire

The sapphire, a traditional favourite of kings, queens, priestesses, and priests, can penetrate the depths of our souls and natures, and it is also connected with monarchy. It is thought to attract prosperity, blessings and presents. The sapphire is a long-lasting option for jewels, almost as sturdy as a diamond, which is why it’s preferred for rings.
October Birthstone: Opal

The term “opal” is derived from the Latin word opalus, which means “precious jewel,” and it represents loyalty and trust. Opals may also symbolise optimism. Opals diffract light and may exhibit all of the rainbow’s hues at the same time. As a result, it has been regarded as a lucky stone for centuries, as it was supposed to have all of the significance of each jewel.
November Birthstone: Topaz

The topaz is related to mental, emotional and physical well-being. Because it is also related to intelligence, strength, and courage, it is thought to provide the wearer more strength and intellect. It is said to protect travelers and promotes mental well-being.
December Birthstone: Turquoise

In ancient days, when a wearer was unwell or in peril, the turquoise would supposedly change hue. It was thought to ease the mind and protect the wearer from danger, and it was a sign of good fortune and prosperity. Now, giving turquoise to your bestie is a great idea since the gem, like friendship, requires copper and aluminium compounds to combine and produce a new mineral.
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