In most relationships, being dependent on one’s significant other is quite normal – if one knows where the boundaries lie. However, when it becomes extreme, that’s where toxicity begins.

It’s no secret that toxic relationships come in many forms – but there’s one that you would hardly notice until later on, as the relationship progresses – codependency.

Codependency occurs when a significant other goes above and beyond and makes relentless compromises in order to satisfy their partner. It’s to an extent where the codependent would start to feel unworthy if they don’t serve any purpose in the relationship. It becomes a lot worse when the other partner realizes the benefit of having a codependent partner and starts abusing it.
So, if you’re unsure if you and your partner are codependent, here are some clear-cut signs to note:
- Having a constant need to be needed
- Always fearing upsetting your partner
- Prioritizing your partner ahead of youself
- Constant seeking of validation and praise
- Hoping for an unattainable form of relationship
- Being alone makes you feel anxious
These are just a few signs of what a codependent person is like, and most of it usually involves having to depend fully on the other person, which leads to a toxic relationship. In order to break free from being a codependent person, you must learn ways to be entirely independent and not have to rely on your partner.
End Codependency
There is so much power and strength in being an independent person than you can realize – but, of course, reaching that goal requires baby steps. Also, it goes without saying that being independent starts way before you enter into a relationship.
So, we are here to help you gain the confidence to be independent, in order for you to form a healthy and balanced relationship with your partner.
Healthy Relationship?

Understanding what a healthy relationship looks like would be the first step in detaching yourself from being codependent. A healthy relationship involves a safe space where both partners can have an open and honest conversation without the trepidation of being judged. It also involves a lot of love and affection from both parties, which make that relationship blossom.
A relationship should never be transactional, with one person doing all the compromising, while the other reaps the benefits. Plus, a relationship should always have equality for it to be healthy, and a space for each other to be independent in their own ways.
Seek Your Own Happiness

Distancing yourself from relationships will give you ample time to discover new hobbies and activities to make you happy without the aid of others. Finding activities that only you, yourself, can do serves a lot of benefits and will ultimately lead to you becoming more independent. Every individual needs some space when they enter into a relationship, and these hobbies that you’ve attained will help to fill that void.
Learn To Love Yourself

Being independent will fundamentally lead to loving yourself whole-heartedly. There’s no person other than you who could love you more than yourself, and that is the goal of being independent. It shows that you don’t need a partner to validate your being, and your confidence will be boosted to the max if you keep showering yourself with love.
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