The definition of “stereotype” according to the Oxford dictionary is “a fixed idea or image that many people have of a particular type of person or thing, but which is often not true in reality.” Asians have faced a lot of stereotyping due to the inaccurate portrayal of Asian characters in Western media. Furthermore, the Asian community is more than just Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese. Not all Asians are of the same ethnicity, and everyone is different.
This article is here to break the stereotype of Asians as depicted by the media:
Model Minority
A stereotype about the Asian community in the West is that they are a model community. But given the widespread prejudice they experience, who could blame Asians in the West for adopting a positive image? However, that stereotype is both harmful and incorrect. It obscures the huge discrepancies and challenges that the AAPI community, which has the highest income inequality of any race group in the United States, faces. It also encourages policymakers to ignore their concerns. Most pernicious of all, it creates a divisive contrast with other minorities, blaming them for their difficulties and maintaining the falsehood that structural racism does not exist.

Asian Are Good at Math and Are Academically Gifted
A common stereotype is that Asians are innately good at math. However, not every Asian is good at math. It takes a lot of practice sheets and revisions to be good at math, as math needs practice and keen interest to be fully good at. Although Asian kids’ academic success may be due to their culture and emphasis on education, this does not mean that math is their main strength. A common joke goes that a “B+ is an Asian F,” but the truth is that this stereotype is a source of strain and stress for many Asian students who feel they must live up to their image.

All Asians Look the Same and Speak the Same Language
Not all Asians look the same, Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, Vietnamese, Indonesians and Filipinos have distinctive facial features, and not every Asian has the monolid eye. Asians like some Japanese and Filipinos have double eyelids as well. Not only that, not every Asian looks the same, as not every Asian on the street looks like Bruce Lee or Fan Bing Bing.

In addition, not all Asian speaks the same mother tongue . As mentioned, there are different Asian communities who speak different languages as their mother tongue. Remember, if someone you know is Asian ≠ they are Chinese or Japanese.
All Asians are Nerds
Not every Asian is a nerd. Sure, there are some smart Asians and some are just average Asians. Also, there’s one in a few Asians that needs to wear prescription glasses due to poor eyesight. To break down the stereotype even more, not every Asian child is born with a face that only a mother could love – Asians could look just as pretty and handsome as their western counterparts do.

All Asians Eat Cats and Dogs
Some parts of rural Asia still eat cat and dog meat – however, the majority of progressive urban Asians DO NOT eat or condone the slaughter of domestic pets. In our own country, consuming dog meat is illegal. Certain animals are considered food – like cattle, chicken, lamb, etc. The consumption of exotic meat is a norm in certain parts of the world, but it doesn’t mean that the entire community eats it.

The verdict: Asians need to be more accurately portrayed by the western media. There is much diversity among Asians – and it’s time the West wakes up to that fact.