Everything we know about brushing our teeth comes mostly from our parents or that one time in Primary One where we were all made to line up along the drain back in school with toothbrush in one hand and a mug of water in the other all prepped for the brush, gargle and spit routine that was about to follow. Dental hygiene is often overlooked compared to other physical aspects. For example, did you know that proper brushing requires at least two minutes, yep that’s 120 seconds.
Image credits to skrmm.wordpress.com
To properly brush your teeth, use short, gentle strokes with extra attention to your gumline, places that are hard to reach and areas where you have crowns or fillings. Make sure to clean both inner, outer and chewing surfaces. There are two types of toothbrushes in the market: manual toothbrushes and electric toothbrushes and the price difference between the two is somewhat significant. Experts say that the electric toothbrush is far superior compared to your ordinary toothbrushes in terms of cleaning prowess and bargain for your buck. Here’s why (Source from: Webmd.com):
Electric toothbrushes last longer than manual ones
Brushing with powered toothbrushes require minimal efforts and less brushing force, that is why they are especially suitable for children.
Electric toothbrushes cause less damage to your gums and tooth enamel because the majority of them have pressure sensors
Brushing with electric toothbrush requires minimal skills.
Powered toothbrushes can be effective for those people who have some problems with making the movements necessary for proper brushing (for example, people with arthritis or other physical limitations).
Buzzing effects of electric toothbrushes have a special positive influence on your teeth that can hardly be achieved using a manual toothbrush.
The majority of powered toothbrushes have timer, therefore, your toothbrush can let you know when two minutes necessary for effective brushing are up.
Generally, the handles of electric toothbrushes are more ergonomic and comfortable for a firm grasp.
Powered toothbrushes are bulky.
Electric toothbrushes are more expensive than manual ones. The prices for modern powered toothbrushes vary from 30 to 120 dollars.
It is harder to maneuver electric toothbrushes as effectively as manual ones.
Since not much of efforts are required, frequently people rely only on vibration and rotation of power toothbrush bristles and fail to clean their teeth and mouth properly.
As all the electric toothbrushes need battery replacement or recharging, they can be less suitable for traveling.
Electric toothbrushes can not clean your tongue as good as manual ones because electric toothbrushes do not come with a tongue scraper.
People with problematic and very sensitive teeth have to use manual toothbrushes as it is impossible to find electric toothbrushes with soft and extra-soft bristles.
Other than the size, short term cost efficiency and inconvenience of electric toothbrushes, they actually have more long term benefits in terms of dental hygiene. In addition to using a good toothbrush, your frequency and duration of your brushing sessions also play an important part in having a mouth that looks and smells healthy.
If you’re ready to brave the world of electric toothbrushes, here are some features that you might want to look out for before purchasing:
1. Power Levels and Brush Stroke Speed
2. Type of Brush Head
3. Size of the Toothbrush
4. Type of batteries and life span
5. Warranties
Electric toothbrushes may seem expensive at first but think of them as long term investments because they can last for up to three years of more with proper care. Don’t buy cheap toothbrushes just to save money because you’ll pay for it in years to come. It can literally maintain your teeth in perfect form so you never have to visit the dentist for fillings and cavity removals especially since dental care is pretty expensive in Malaysia.