A woman’s either team fully-shave-down-there or yes-pubic-hair, ain’t no in-between. But let’s talk about how women started shaving because it made men (a lot of) money. So of course, women feel pressured to shave because body hair on women has been deeply stigmatised for decades. Like they have no other option. And there’s something deeply fraught about that – though perceptions are slowly changing.
Therefore, the ultimate question is – do women really need to shave before getting down to business?

And the answer is…………

No, you really don’t have to. Or if you want to, go for it? But let us just tell you that shaving your vag is completely your decision, and if your partner is being hostile about it – f*ck them and call them a cumguzzling thunderc*nt or whatever curse words you roll with. If it’s not their body, it’s not their decision. Never was and never will be.

What to say if they comment on your alluring wavy pubes (for fun… unless?):
1. “Someday it’ll get as long as your mom’s.”
2. “Aw really? But your dad doesn’t seem to mind it.”
3. “Piss off before I make you shave your teeth with my pubes.”
4. “You f*cking idiot! I have a clitoris! Do you know how daunting it is to bring a razor around that?”
Or you can just walk away instead of wasting another breath talking to a brain dead person.
But if you’re comfortable enough and know that your partner is a mature and understanding adult, we would always suggest you have a conversation with your partner about pubic hair. It could be awkward and weird, which is why you should be comfortable enough first to do so.
Wondering how you can talk about grooming with your partner? We gotchu.
Figure out how you feel

The most important step in all of this is figuring out if this is something you actually want to compromise on or not. There’s no point in opening up a big conversation if this is a hard boundary for you.
Get clarity

Your partner has brought up the topic of pubic hair a few times, but has never outright asked you to make a change. We would highly recommend you directly ask them if they’d like you to switch up your pubic hair situation.
Communicate your boundaries to your partner

If you realise that you don’t want to make any changes to your pubic hair, let them know. Tell them you’re really attached to your pubic hair, so you don’t want to make any changes. But just know that if you’re not open to making changes in your appearance, then you shouldn’t ask for the same.
So, to shave, or not to shave? UP TO YOU, GURL. YOUR BODY, YOUR CHOICE. JUST DO YOUR THING!