Whenever a woman is sexually aroused, her vag lubricates itself. This elevates the woman’s pleasure when she’s doing the nastayyy. Without lubricant, intercourse can be uncomfortable and cause damage to the vaginal lining. Hormonal changes, menopause, aging, and medication can all cause your body to create less lubrication. Artificial lubrication is generally used in this situation.
Poor lubrication is a prevailing problem that doesn’t have to be endured. Vaginal dryness is a common postmenopausal issue that affects 50–70% of women. The most common cause of dyspareunia (dis-puh-ROO-nee-uh), or painful intercourse, is a lack of lubrication. Sadly, due to this, a woman’s sex life can be put at stake purely due to the absence of vaginal wetness.

Artificial lubricant may help stimulate sex-citement, enhance sexual pleasure, keep your vaginal skin moist, and, most notably, reduce friction during penetration by a partner or a sex toy. But HOW SAFE IS IT? Did you know that artificial lubricants could bring about detrimental effects to your vaginal health? YASS! Some may even cause infertility due to the harmful chemicals present.
However, thankfully, there are a plethora of holistic options for moisturizing the vaginal area and making sex more delightful in a much more natural way. Here it is, ma ladies…
Plain Yogurt

Ahmmmm yes.. you read that right… it’s yogurt! Plain yogurt could be a good lubricant replacement. It does not dry out, really does have a good consistency, and is quite economical, according to anecdotal evidence. Yogurt has been shown to have therapeutic uses and has been used as a treatment for vaginal thrush from a reputable source. It’s like killing two birds with one stone!
Egg Whites

How and why egg whites? This is because egg whites have similar consistency properties to our cervical mucus. Thus this makes them the perfect lubricant for our vajayjay – of course, bearing in mind the smell and the tedious preparation it needs to make this. But they are by far the safest and best replica of our natural wetness.

Aloe Vera

Tell me one thing we can’t do with this… aloe is the mother of all usable things. Aloe vera is a water-based plant that can help hydrate skin, while also reducing irritation. It’s a good lube substitute because of its consistency. If someone wants to use aloe vera as a lubricant, they must make sure it doesn’t possess any other chemicals, such as alcohol. This is because it has the potential to irritate the genitals. So watch out for that, ladies!

The best oil for lubes are obviously olive and coconut oil. They are pretty moisturising and easy to spread around, but a bit dangerous to be used when you’re using condoms, because they might wear the latex off causing your condom to slip off.

Remember ladies, sex is something to be enjoyed and devoured and it need not be painful – thanks to these easy tips we have splashed you with!
Play Safe And Be Careful!
Happy Experimenting, Ladies!