Earlier this month, the world witnessed many beautifully-dressed celebrities gracing the red carpet at the Cannes Film Festival 2021. The one that stood-out and made it on many headlines was an Indian influencer, Diipa Khosla, who made heads turn with her eye-catching strapless gown with a pair of breast pumps attached.
The influencer took on her Instagram to share a pivotal massage on motherhood which still remains a taboo in many societies and cultures. Earlier this year, Diipa embraced motherhood after giving birth to her first child, a baby girl, and has been a role model for many, especially to new moms, sharing her view on motherhood.
Those who have had a taste of motherhood, they’d vouch on the difficulties, difference in opinion and the palpable struggles they had to endure, while raising singular or multiple children. It’s a harsh world out there for women, particularly mothers, who are constantly judged for their choices.
To further elaborate her point on breaking stereotypes, Diipa added breast pumps to her strapless gown that she wore at Cannes, saying, “I chose to shed light on this topic due to the countless messages or comments from people who’ve questioned and judged my decisions as a mother, an issue I’m certain that most women endure on social media.”
Adding that there is “no rule book to motherhood,” Diipa said that “it takes experience and learning to understand the ins and outs of what is appropriate for YOU as a mother and not anybody else. Being a new-mom holds enough self-judgment as there is constant worry if your actions are right.”
Speaking of breastfeeding, it’s purely the choice of the mother whether or not she chooses to breastfeed, pump, or simply feed formula to their babies. When backward-thinking vanguards step-in distinguishing what are the right and wrong choices of mothers, that’s when we need people like Diipa to make statement appearances, sending out a powerful massage to the world.
Speaking of breastfeeding, Diipa said, “Whether I choose to breastfeed my daughter or not, should not be the subject of anybody’s conversation. There are countless concerns that go into breastfeeding, it simply doesn’t work for all mothers, something that no mother should be judged for online or off. In response to the frequently asked question, I’ve decided on supplementing at this stage (a combination of both breastfeeding and using a formula). Moreover, while I’m away for a two-day business trip, I prepared for my absence by breast-pumping multiple times prior to my departure.”
Diipa, who is based in Netherlands said, “Being a mother does NOT mean that you are now the target to everybody and anybody’s scrutiny.”
To conclude, Diipa said that her post is just a reminder that “online personalities are human as well, where life and feelings lay behind a screen.”
“I kindly ask that you withhold judgmental remarks regarding any mother who is on this beautiful journey of motherhood. As much as the concern is appreciated, it is a personal journey between mother and child and should be treated as such,” she added.
To all new or seasoned mothers out there, this is your journey and it’s entirely your choice how you plan carve the path of your motherhood. Opinions will be forthcoming, but it shouldn’t be a barrier for you to listen to your inner voice. Do what’s best for you and your baby, as that’s the only thing that matters.