Handbag have evolved from a compartment to safe-keep only your personal belongings to now being a trendy accessory to up your style game. Bags these days are even able to accommodate your laptops, because work is always on-the-go. As convenient it is, big handbags aren’t the trendiest thing in the fashion world now. Meet, micro bags. Yes, as per its name, these pocket-sized bags are not only super cute to own, but are a great addition to enhance your style.
Surprisingly, tiny bag trends are still swinging because honestly, how much can you actually fit into them. Even though its itty bitty size excludes most of your important belongings, it adds a great statement to your panache. Dior has jumped in the bandwagon and reinvented a series of miniature versions of the iconic French house bags which include Dior 30 Montaigne, Dior Caro, Saddle bag and Lady Dior.
To get a hint on how miniscule these Dior bags are, the “hand” bags can fit in a closed fist, as seen in the campaign shot by Brigitte Niedermair.
Ever since Jacquemus’ Mini Le Chiquito bag’ went viral during Fashion Week 2019, we’ve seen iterations from brands like Fendi, Brandon Maxwell and Prada that were so tiny till it could barely fit a pair of Airpods.
This time around, Dior asks you to “Think Big” in the Micro-Bag Challenge: How much can you fit in your Dior micro?
While Dior’s pocketbooks are small and can’t fit an average smartphone, it can easily fit your essential like lipsticks, keys, Airpods, cards, money and even condoms. It’s all about packing light and enjoying the carefree moment.
Dior envisions the collection as a “fashion statement attuned to the spirit of the times, an invitation to freedom and movement.”
Selections of Saddle bag, Dior Caro, Lady Dior bags are updated in the micro collection with additions like charms and signature cannage quilting.
Dior Micro Bags are available now on Dior.com.
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=feht_u9q050[/embedyt]