Buttercup has always been the go to mixture to ensemble the perfect cake for ages, however with revolution of it’s product varying in multiple packages, do you know not every package is suitable for cake baking?
Yes, that’s the common mistake you can often catch every Malaysian household making! Buttercup is one of the essentials in an Malaysian household but its sacred product served in multiple packaging is actually an indication of various use we all fail to realise of.

So come on, let’s dig deeper to see which packaging caters to which needs in cooking!
Buttercup in a tin

The butter in this packaging is most suitable for cakes and cooking cause it’s salted. However, you will not be able to use this cooking making for any sorts of cookies nor biscuits because of the presence of salt in the butter.
Buttercup in a tub

This butter is perfect for cakes and biscuits giving the right bind to hold the mixture well together. However, it would not able to enhance the flavours of food if its used in cooking.
So refrain yourself from using this in your cooking as it may be a bit off in terms of flavours cause this is not a cooking butter.
Buttercup’s block butter

This butter could be used for both cooking and baking from cakes to biscuits.
It is salted and has a thicker buttery texture giving a rich flavour to our food and bakings.
Ladies, most importantly do realise that buttercup’s butter is actually a butter blend formula.

Well what is butter blend formula?
It is a mixture of both margarine and actual butter. The product is made up of milk fats and vegetable oil.
Buttercup is formulated specially with a butter blend formula to be affordable for everyone as an economical product that can be used for both cooking and baking nevertheless has a household favourite.
However, be aware of how each packaging suites for different type of cooking method. Not all of it can be used for cooking nor baking!