Ah, the golden and favorite question on the edge of every single person you meet, “Are you dating anyone yet?” The throne for sticking noses in people’s personal life belonged to gossip queen aunties and friends who just don’t seem to have any other important matters to handle in life, instead of keeping close interest in the personal life of others.
If you are single, happy and contented, you go girl! Of course being in a relationship has its special feeling and advantages. However, so does being a strong, single and independent woman. The movies often depicts a person’s life complete and happy only when they’re in a relationship or happily married. Times have long changed and gone are the days where women were to heavily depend on a man for financial and support.
So you shouldn’t feel any less proud if you’re single or in an open relationship. What matters is that you’re living your life to the fullest, the way you desire. I’d encourage you to take pride in your single status—especially if it’s for one of these three reasons.
You refuse to settle

If you happen to come across someone, you’ll ensure they’re the right fit for your shoes. In other words, you will not simply settle for a man just because he’s cute or wealthy. You’d want to take your time to get to know if the guy is worth spending your life with. The man should be the one who makes your heart skip a beat, laugh whole-heartedly, be happy and most importantly, lets you be who you want to be. And ladies, a guy like that is worth the wait.
You’re focusing on your career

You are a smart, independent and career-minded woman who has high ambitions and hopes for your own future. You do not want to depend on your husband for financial support, nor would you want to be answerable to how you should spend your hard earned money. You are not willing to sacrifice building your career if a relationship requires you to change jobs, location or move overseas. You have your career path all panned out.
You’re busy loving your life

This goes without saying for any woman out there, whether in a relationship or not. Everyone should be busy loving their own life instead of living a life full of fallacy. For the single ladies out there, you do not need to plan out vacations with your partner or cut a bigger hole in your pockets planning a budget for two or more. You have all the freedom to materialize your dream solo vacay, go for endless dates, catch up with friends over dinner dates, get involved in volunteer work, and the list is endless! These are key ingredients to baking the perfect cake of your life. If you happen to find Mr. Right, then that’ll be your delicious buttercream icing! You are the boss of your own life and how it turns out. So taste the freedom and don’t give up enjoy loving life!