When you’re part of the Royal family, you expect nothing but the best. Apart from living a luxurious lifestyle, the Royals have access to many other privileges, and we feel some of it are pretty damn awesome! Read on to find out what these perks are.
1. Prince Charles Has His Shoelaces Ironed
Prince Charles has three personal valets who are dedicated to managing his wardrobe and what he wears for the day. That includes ironed shoelaces for every pair of shoes he owns. That’s a lot of ironing!
2. The Queen Can Ban Humour
It is said that once Queen Elizabeth II passes on, humour on public television is completely banned for the people of Britain. This will prolong for 12 days, from the day of her death to the funeral day. BBC has to completely halt all everything and announce her death. They must also start airing all documentaries related to the Queen’s life which they have already pre-recorded. BBC staff even have black suits and ties ready in the case of such event.
3. Potatoes Are Measured
This may not be a common practice in your household, but for the Royals, it’s a must! In the Buckingham Palace, every potato is measured in similar dimensions to ensure it looks aesthetically pleasing on the dinner plate.
4. Clothes Are Hand Washed
All clothing belonging to Prince Charles and Duchess Camilla has to be hand washed and not allowed to be cleaned in the washing machine. Oddly enough, they found out that their clothes were kept as souvenirs when sent out for cleaning.
5. Prince Charles’s Biscuits Are Warm
Prince Charles enjoys snacking on biscuits and cheese in between meals. Since he’s very particular about everything, he prefers his biscuits to be served warm. Therefore, the staff keeps a warming pan on standby to ensure the biscuits are warm enough.
6. The Queen Had Ownership Of The Fishes And Swans
As bizarre as it sounds, the Queen owns all the dolphins, whales, and porpoises that comes within 3 miles radius of Britain shores. She also owns most of the swans in the UK. She shares the rights of the swans on the River Thames with the Worshipful Companies of Dyers and Vintners. She is the only person in Britain allowed to eat these animals.
7. The Queen Does Not Need A Driving License Or ID
Well, it’s not like the queen does much driving around, but she does not need a driving license getting around. Additionally, the Queen does not need to carry any form of identification on her as she has rights not to have one. The police in this matter is not allowed to ask her for one. This truly is one huge perk bring the Queen.
8. They Don’t Have To Pay For Anything For A Living
Ever wonder if any humans on Earth live for free? Just turn your head to the Royals. According to the Royal official website, their bills are paid by Sovereign Grant, a grant “provided by the Government in support of the Queen’s official duties”. Apart from that, staff salaries, maintenance and upkeep of several other royal residences are covered under this grant. That’s one lavish perk we all wish for.
9. A Personal Toothbrush Squeezer For Prince Charles
You might wonder, do they really need another human to perform such simple task? Apparently, there was a point in time where Prince Charles had a personal valet to assist in his nighttime duties, which includes squeezing toothpaste onto his brush every night.
10. Sandwiches Or Breads Are Never Cornered
It is said that sandwiches served to the Royals never have right angle corners as Prince Albert, Queen Victoria’s husband, who believed in superstition thought it was unlucky to have anything in the same shape as a coffin. Therefore, you will find their sandwiches are served with rounded edges.