Some people have it good, but the rest of us unfortunately attract blood-sucking creatures every other day of our lives.. which is precisely why we try never to leave the house without some sort of mosquito-warding repellent.
While most of the products available in the market now contain diethyltoluamide, a chemical better known as DEET, new research has found there is something more natural and effective at keeping bugs at bay – the compounds in coconut oil.
The US Department of Agriculture has concluded that the fatty acids derived from coconut oil has long-lasting insect-repelling properties against mosquitos, ticks, flies and bed bugs.

These compounds, which boast an efficacy rate of 95% more than that of DEET, are not to be confused with coconut oil itself. With that said, the concentration of the compounds required is far greater.
As of late, thoughts regarding coconut oil have been divided, with some experts claiming that it is “pure poison” when consumed and others saying that it is good for reducing the risk of heart disease.
With this research, we will hopefully soon see more coconut-oil based insect repellents as those with DEET has long been associated with side effects such as disorientation, rashes and even seizures.