Happen to be naturally hairy? Well, we completely feel your pain. We’re giving props to those of you who have learned to embrace your natural self, but for the rest of us who aren’t quite there yet, that’s aye okay too!
The amount of effort and time that goes into maintaining or getting rid of unwanted hair is staggering as it is, yet these sneaky little fuzzies still manage to pop up at a highly unpredictable pace and time. Ugh.
While bodily hairs tend to grow at a steadier pace which ultimately gives us more control, facial hair on the other hand is imbecile. All looks fine at night, only for you to wake up with a shrub of peach fuzzies that came out of no where.
For that reason, we’ve rounded up five of our go-to hair removal methods for facial hair and ranked them based on pain levels. With the right tools, you can do all of this in the comfort of your own bathroom and save yourself the trip to the mall.

1. Shaving
Pain level – 0/5
This is our favourite method by far for the face and all you need is a small disposable facial razor which happens to be perfect for travelling too. Not only does this remove the hair in one quick, painless swipe, the razor also exfoliates the skin simultaneously, leaving you with a a smoother and more radiant base for makeup afterwords.
Downsides: You risk nicking yourself, may irritate the skin so be sure to use a light shaving cream, oil or lotion to help it glide.
2. Waxing
Pain level – 1/5
If you are putting yourself through some sort of pain, might as well do it in one swift swoop to get it over with, right? That’s exactly how waxing the upper lip feels. It’s uncomfortable, but only for 2.5 seconds or so! Nearly every drugstore sells boxes of facial hair wax removal strips. Alternatively, use your own hot wax for better precision.
Downsides: Red bumps will usually appear after, but it subsides completely within half an hour or so.

3. Tweezing
Pain level – 3/5
Everybody has a tweezer at home somewhere, whether it be for the eyebrows or stray and stubborn body hairs. For one or two hairs that seemingly appear out of the blue, tweezing is fuss-free and extremely quick. However it doesn’t work so well should you have a lot of hairs to take care of.. and unfortunately the discomfort goes on throughout.
Downsides: Time consuming, pain that lasts for as long as the entire tweezing sesh
4. Depilating
Pain level – 3/5
Think of depilating as tweezing but on steroids. The depilator, which has multiple tweezing mechanisms in one tool, evidently gets the job done faster than tweezing, but the pain level remains similar. It’s intimidating at first, but completes the job so fast you won’t even be complaining after. It’s worth the investment!
Downsides: You have to invest in a depilator, which may not be in some people’s budget

5. Threading
Pain level – 4/5
We love threading. It’s the method you can get the most precise with aside from tweezing, and on top of peach fuzz, you can use it to shape your eyebrows even. The problem? It kind of hurts as the threads sometimes sort of yank the hairs out with force at certain areas. However it doesn’t irritate the skin whatsoever, so yeay.
Downsides: You need to practice until you get it right, most uncomfortable option in our opinion