Instead of purchasing cookbooks and flipping through them like we used to, Google has become our number one solution for.. well, pretty much everything, including recipes. The incentives? Not only do we get variations of recipes for one dish just in case we don’t have that one ingredient on hand, it also costs nothing to Google.
And as we wrap up 2017, Google has released its annual Year in Search report, and the recipes that have made it to the top three are definitely NOT what you would expect. For starters, none of them contain avocado, which is the most millennial thing ever, as an ingredient.
PS: As there wasn’t a recipe category listed for Malaysia under Google’s Year in Search report, we’ve based it off Google’s Global report.

THREE // Turkish bread recipes (Poğaça tarifi)
This savoury Turkish butter bread with cheese and parsley is nothing but irresistible, especially fresh out of the oven. Soft, fluffy and oozing with filling, just looking up photos has got us salivating.

TWO // Ground beef recipes
Ground beef is one of those ingredients that is extremely versatile and can be incorporated into literally everything, whether it is for a comforting stew on a rainy day, or a sinful burger topped with caramelised onion.

ONE // Chicken breast recipes
Every weight loss or bulking diet, except the vegan ones of course, calls for chicken breast, and there’s no wondering why this has topped the list. The lean cut of poultry is healthy and honestly could be prepared in millions of ways.