High school romance takes a complete turn in the upcoming 2018 film Every Day, when a teen girl falls in love with a body-travelling soul who wakes up daily as a different person. Always the same age, never too far from the last and never the same person twice, the movie adaptation of the same-titled novel redefines what soulmates could be.
Following the love between Rhiannon and her soulmate A, watch as the two develop a beyond imaginable love story through the emotions and confusion of first love and how they overcome the challenges as A’s soul travels through 15 different bodies day after day.

Showcasing a breakthrough of love beyond looks, gender, ability, race, class and focusing on falling in love with the ‘person’ within, it didn’t turn out to be a hard task for actress Angourie Rice who plays Rhiannon to fall in love with 15 different actors.
Doing away with the cliches, Every Day delimits the usual romance genre, and as the young starlet describes, “It’s a new experience for the audience, because you get to see 15 wonderfully talented people bring the same character to life.”
The movie truly reminds us that love is more than physical attractions and materialistic reality, and as told by Angourie, “At the heart of it all, it’s a story about soulmates.”

Set to debut on Feb 23, 2018, Every Day is known as the first production under the relaunched Orion Pictures. Written based on David Levithan’s 2012 same-titled novel, the romance-fantasy film also stars some up and coming actors including Debby Ryan, Justice Smith, Colin Ford and more. It’s a love story like never before!