For those who fell into the Tamagotchi craze, you might be happy to learn that the iconic game is set to return to your smartphones as My Tamagotchi Forever, in celebration of their 20th anniversary.
Bandai Namco has partnered with Paladin Studios for the release of the free-to-play game, which will feature classic elements as well as brand new game modes including a number of mini games and cool evolution features.

You’ll start off in Tamatown, and as far as taking care of your own Tamagotchi is concerned, your job, as with the original toy 20 years ago, is to make sure they are taken care of. This means making sure they are fed, cleaned, washed, and get enough sleep.
Your babies will evolve from one type to another, depending on how you care for them, so do not be surprised if you take poor care of them and they end up looking like a hideous, grumpy troll-looking thing.
But wait, we have to note that game will likely include micro-transactions too. Bummer.
We’ll hold off judgment for when the game actually launches, but we’d be lying if we said we smiled when we learned about this.
My Tamagotchi Forever will be released on both iOS and Android in 2018. In the meantime, you can visit the game’s website and register to inspire a Tamagotchi that will be in the game for all to see.