Since its successful global launch in 1994, the ck one brand’s fragrance and compelling advertising campaigns have been recognized for their emotional, youthful connection and spirit of individuality and freedom.
The ck one fragrance was first introduced as the world’s first unisex fragrance and became recognized as the biggest selling fragrance launch of all time. Remember? The one all the cool kids in school were wearing?
At its height, there were 20 bottles sold every minute of every day, around the world. Today, ck one remains a consistently top ranked fragrance globally.
And now, in a swift shift to move into developing a global contemporary lifestyle brand, Calvin Klein Inc. is introducing synergistic jeanswear, underwear, and swimwear lines. The new apparel lines will take inspiration from the globally recognized ck one unisex fragrance brand and will be supported by a new global marketing and advertising campaign.
Here’s where you come in. In conjunction with the launch, ck one wants you to take part in their “Are you ready to join our movement” contest! All you have to do is to scan this QR code with your smartphone:
And stand a chance to win awesome prizes worth up to RM60, 000 such as a limited edition digital camera, ck one fragrances, and other exclusive ck one products. Oh and might we add, as quick and easy breezy as this is, it also requires no purchases whatsoever.
The “Are you ready to join our movement” contest ends on the 16th of January 2012 so get snapping! Uh, if you win, please share?
Good luck!