Our male counterparts have long been limited to condoms and vasectomy in the contraception department, but as of late, male birth control is being seen in a brand new light after decades.
Introducing Vasalgel – a male contraceptive, non-hormonal gel that is proven to be 100% effective in primates. The gel, which is to be injected into the body, provides a reversible and temporary barrier that blocks the sperm from leaving the body during ejaculation, causing it to be reabsorbed into the body.

Essentially an IUD for men, this form of male birth control also doesn’t come with side effects such as interfering with sperm production or hormone levels. Vasalgel will soon be tested on humans as it was successfully tested on monkeys with similar reproductive tracts to humans.
A second injection will quickly dissolve the gel barrier and restore fertility, although the gel is reportedly effective for only up to two years.