People always say that travel is the best test there is out there for any relationship, and multiple studies have shown that there is in fact truth to that notion.
Not only would you have to compromise along the way, when you travel is when you’d have inevitable long conversations, require teamwork and trust, and possibly, see the worst of each other.
A new study from Travelocity also attests this. 56% of couples agreed that travel is important for retaining the spark in a relationship, but 31% of couples have never been on a romantic getaway alone together.

If that isn’t convincing enough, the U.S. Travel Association found in a survey that nearly 72% of 1,100 adults said that travelling is more likely to spark romance in their relationship compared to a gift.
In addition, 77% of those who travel as couples reported having a good sex life, and 28% of couples agreed that their sex life was significantly improved after travelling with one another.