It can be a bit annoying when you’re typing on your laptop and PC, and then your phone buzzes and you need to stop typing, pick up your phone, answer the text, and then get back to your typing. The Logitech k480 multi-device bluetooth keyboard solves that problem by centralising typing for you. It understands that our world now requires us to bounce back and forth between devices, and we want it done seamlessly. With the Logitech k480, you can type on your PC, phone, and tablet with just one keyboard. How’s that for time-efficient?
I recently spent a month using the Logitech k480 at work, and here are few reasons why I loved using it:
Compact and light

It’s absolutely light-weight and fits easily into my tote. Since it does not take up much space, so you can just place it next to my laptop and switch to the Logitech keyboard whenever I needed to get to my phone or tablet. It is compact and sleek, which gives you style and functionality for work.
Absolutely easy to get started
For a lazy person like me, I don’t like to use anything that requires a lot of steps. It’s a good thing that it takes less than a minute to set up and pair the keyboard with my devices. All I had to do was turn on the power switch, and follow the simple instructions on the sticker strip on the keyboard, and voila, it was done. It literally worked just at the touch of a few buttons.
Switch between 3 devices–instantly!

It can fit up to three smartphones on the panel, or pair with any three devices, like laptop, tablet and phone. It works with Windows, iOS, Android, so don’t worry about your what brand of phone or software you’re using. Each number on the knob pairs with a different device. The best part about this is that you can switch between the devices instantly; meaning there is no need to wait for a few seconds for the keyboard to pair with your second or third devices. Just turn the knob and start typing!

You can do more than just type
Of course, it’s a keyboard. But if it’s only good for typing and I can’t switch between apps, then I still have to pick up my phone, which is not making my life easier. With the Logitech k480 keyboard, I could easily switch between apps, play and pause music, take screenshots and also control the volume of my phone, which was very impressive.
It works from a distance
At first I thought I had to be right next to my devices for the keyboard to work, but no. I placed the keyboard on my lap and kicked away about 4 feet from the desk, and it still worked seamlessly. It was also easy to use on my bed, I could just lie down and type in whatever position I was comfortable in. I didn’t have awkwardly balance my laptop on my myself, it just needed in to be in sight, and the bluetooth keyboard does all the work for me. If only it could also turn off my bedroom lights!
The Logitech K480 Bluetooth Keyboard retails at RM179. For more information, visit Logitech‘s website.