Malaysia has fallen prey to rising temperatures, and we are experiencing readings as high as 38 degrees celsius now. Experts are even predicting that it could reach well over 40 degrees. The last time we had anything this close was back in 1998, when the mercury peaked at 40.1 degrees celsius in Perlis.
If you’re mostly indoors and in air-conditioned rooms, then you are quite safe from the heat wave. If you are outdoors a lot, here are few tips you can follow in order to protect yourself from the ferocious heat:
Drink plenty of water
Hydration is key here. It is so easy for you to get dehydrated when the temperature is this high, and that can cause you to feel faint and nauseous. Stay away from that mug of coffee for a couple of weeks, and try to cut down on your beer nights. Your body needs all the fluid it can get now. Bring on the H2O!!

Wear white or light coloured clothes
Yes, black is sexy. But black also absorbs heat, and that is the last thing you want to do to yourself. White is a good reflector of heat, but you’re not really a fan or afraid of soiling it, just wear more pastel colours. Try to also incorporate more cotton into your daily wardrobe, they are the known to be very breathable and will keep you feeling breezy.

Store lotion and moisturiser in refrigerator
An ancient trick passed down to me from my mom, it works wonders in the hot weather. Imagine coming home from work, taking a shower, and then smearing some chill moisturiser on your face. It’s the ultimate booster! You can also do the same with deodorants and lotions, it helps to lower your body temperature.

Take lukewarm or cold showers
I know there are a lot of you who have only ever taken warm showers since you pretty much came into being. I’m one of them. But at least for the next few weeks, try to take more lukewarm showers so it doesn’t burn your skin even further. Truth is, the warmer your shower, the warmer you will feel after stepping out, and you sweat much easier too. So try to turn down the temperature just a smidge.

Use sunscreen with high SPF
If you have sunscreen and it has been lying on the table feeling useless, now is the best time to make use of it. Make sure it has a sun protection factor of at least 50 (SPF 50), and apply on all areas of your skin that will be exposed to the sun. Continuous sun exposure without protection can increase the chances of you getting skin cancer.

Reduce strenuous activities
I know it’s hard to skip gym after you’ve mustered so much discipline to make it a habit. You don’t have to skip it completely, just do more lightweight routines. Always have your bottled water near you. Alternatively, you can also start going to gym in the mornings when it is not too hot.

Eat on time and in smaller portions
Eating in big portions will make your body release more heat, because it needs more energy for digestion. So try to eat in smaller portions and spread out your meals to about six meals a day, it is healthier that way anyway. Don’t even think of skipping meals, hunger plus heat wave might have you passing out sooner than you think! 🙂