Do you ever feel like the power of poetry is undervalued? You won’t, after reading this.
Cafes, bars and restaurants around the world across 23 countries are working together with Julius Meinl, a coffee roasting company, to offer a cup of coffee to any customer who can hand them a piece of their original poetry. Julius Meinl goes back to 1862, and is doing this in conjunction with Unesco’s World Poetry Day.
The promotion is only available in continental Europe, including the US, UK, and Australia. However, it is not too clear how the baristas will be making the judgement. Will a haiku do? Can you write a “roses are red, violets are blue”, or does it have to be a legit Tennyson-like poetry?
To look for participating outlets, you can visit the campaign’s Facebook page, or use the hashtag #PaywithAPoem on Twitter. Hope this catches on in Malaysia as well!