Many have heard of YouTubers like Jenna Marbles and Grace Helbig but recently all we’ve been hearing is Nicole Arbour. So who is she you may ask? She’s a comedian on YouTube who posted a video called Dear Fat People that went viral and due to the amount of negative backlash, her YouTube account was suspended.
However, YouTube decided to return the video where it belonged, Nicole Arbour’s channel. Watch the video where Nicole claims “fat shaming is not a thing”:

Ever since the video surfaced, many people became furious. Many voiced out their opinions and thoughts, with some agreeing but mostly comments disagreeing with her. One of many responses came from Whitney Thore, the star of TLC’s My Big Fat Fabulous Life who says “Fat Shaming is a thing.” In her video, she says “The number on a scale or a measuring tape cannot quantify the value that you have.” Whitney who has Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) goes on adding “Your weight does not measure your worth.”
What are your thoughts on what Nicole Arbour did? Could she have delivered her concerned message in a nicer demeanor?