Nothing more precious than the bond between a mother and her child, and this picture of Beyoncé with her beautiful daughter Blue Ivy truly depicts the love between them. The singer has been getting a lot of attention since her new album Lemonade dropped and there are many allegations going around that Jay-Z cheated on Queen Bey and naturally the Beyhive was not all that happy.
However, it seems as though that Beyonceé is staying away from all that negativity by sharing with her fans a selection of onstage and behind-the-scenes pictures from the Fourmation tour. Out of all the images, this one of Blue Ivy cuddling with her mum, who happens to be the famous Beyonceé we all love is probably the best one out of the lot.
We can only wish that the Formation tour would come to Malaysia but we can all keep dreaming. So, in the meantime we’re gonna put Lemonade on loop!