There’s no denying how unsafe the streets of Malaysia is for both local and foreign women. It’s hard to go pass the day without hearing news of a woman being assaulted for sex or money. It appears that no matter how much you know how to defend yourself, it still isn’t enough to protect yourself as criminals develop smarter tactics each day. There’s no predicting what could happen to us in the future, but here are a few ways to prevent these horrifying acts from happening.
1. Be Aware of Your Surroundings
No one can ever predict when something bad can happen to them. And with the environment so dangerous these days, keep in mind that these things can happen to you anytime or any day of the week. It might be stressful to have these thoughts in your mind, but like they say, ‘better safe than sorry’.
2. Be Skeptical of Anyone Who Approaches You When You’re Alone
Whenever you’re alone, and someone approaches you, no matter how old or how helpless, it’s good to keep in mind that there’s a 50% chance they might attack you. We’ve seen police warnings about children claiming to be lost, leading concerned adults somewhere to be attacked by other people. Society has turned ugly – we can’t differentiate people who are genuinely in need of help, and people with a hidden agenda. When someone approaches you, keep your belongings close to you and do not entertain questions from strangers especially when you’re alone. If someone does approach you, walk away if you feel unsafe.
3. Let Someone Know Where You Are
It may seem tedious, but technology has helped us far enough to keep our loved ones aware of our whereabouts. If you get into a taxi that you’ve just hailed from the street, call someone and let them know that you’re in t he taxi. Include specific details like the estimated time of arrival, where you left from and the current surroundings. Make sure the driver hears that someone is expecting you.
4. Use Official Taxi Services
Apps like MyTeksi does not only make taxi bookings easier and convenient, but it also has the “Share My Ride” feature that lets you inform your friends and family that your journey has begin. It’s only an additional RM2 on top of your taxi fare, so don’t make money an excuse for your safety. Download it here.
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5. Ask Your Friend for Help
Always bear in mind that it’s never worth risking your life and it’s best to get a safer route home. Seek the help of your friend to give you a lift home or somewhere you need to go before opting for public transportation. A good friend would go out of their way to make sure you get home safe, so if someone finds it an inconvenience to give you a lift, it may be time to rethink the relationship.
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