Just about everyone and anyone’s on an online dating platform. Whether it’s to find your potential soulmate, a companion, a one-night-stand or even to put the newly-single you out in the market, online dating is no longer a taboo. Think about it – you can do just about anything over the internet, so why not meet someone new over the internet.
It’s perfect for shy girls. If you can’t imagine yourself approaching anyone, or if your immediate reaction would be to flee as soon as a cute guy walks up to you to say hello in a bar, then an online dating service would help you get into the flow of talking to someone.
You get a decent look of who you’re talking to. One of the best things about internet dating is that a lot of services insist you upload a picture (or more). It’s really like browsing through an entire catalogue of men with various personalities and interests. But if you’re hesitant, there’s always Facebook and Google!
You can articulate your personality with words. Some people aren’t that great with expressing themselves verbally, so having a profile somehow takes the weight off your shoulders so you can actually talk about yourself, your quirks and your pet peeves. You can choose to be specific or keep it short and sweet, but but don’t be alarmed when guys DO NOT read your profile.
You can pick your best photos. Let’s face it, we only upload the pictures of ourselves and we get extremely self-conscious when someone tags a horrible picture of you over Facebook. We wouldn’t recommend uploading a picture of yourself airbrushed to perfection, but a decent one of you can never go wrong.
You get to make friends. Even if you and a guy don’t seem to be attracted to each other, you’re still bound to make friends over an online dating service. Sure, it may be sad that you’re getting friend-zoned even on the internet, but always remember that being friends with a guy always has its perks. Here’s four of them.
You build a little more confidence. It’s really not a joke. Internet dating sites give you a little drive to write someone, and whether or not they don’t reply (which generally means you’ve been rejected), it’s actually quite a stepping stone. If you’d never think to approach a guy in real life, doing it over the computer takes most of the pressure off. So, go for it!
Fake profiles are abundant. It usually starts with a fake picture of Justin Timberlake or some Hollywood hotshot, and they hit you a message. It could go both ways – some would be insane enough to convince that it’s really them in the picture, and even when they admit it isn’t them, they’ll tell you everything else is true. But if someone is so insecure about themselves to use a fake picture, why would you consider believing anything else they say? First impressions are important!
Potential stalkers. Don’t deny it. Some people know their way around the internet a lot better than most people. It starts with a thoroughly descriptive profile (or not), and they send you a message. Then, they skim through the internet looking for your picture, and before you know it, you’re getting Facebook friend requests from this creepy guy who sent you a message on the dating site just five minutes ago!
You find your family members on it. Remember when we said just about everyone’s on a dating site? Well, it’s true. You may end up finding your cousin, uncle or even your newly-single dad on there. Just know where you’re going.
Ridiculously creepy messages. If you haven’t clicked on OKCGoldmine, then you’re really missing out. You might often get messages that are offensive, messages that lack authenticity, or some downright creepy messages with detailed description on what he ‘wants to do to with you’.
All-in-all, online dating is probably worth a try. There’s no need to be embarrassed about being on there because in this day and age, who goes out and immediately come out with a date? Well, they are some lucky people who do, but the majority would very much prefer staying at home, so start putting yourself out there!