From its humble beginnings of a dead leaf accidentally falling into the cup of a Chinese emperor, tea is one of only beverage with a long list of health benefits. Regarded as a sign of nobility and wealth in early history, you’ll be happy to know that drinking tea on a daily basis can improve your overall health, which is of course, in this day and age, a sign a wealth.
It Improves Cardiovascular Health
Drinking hot tea after each meal will give you the benefit of flushing down the excess oils and fats in your body, especially in your heart. Studies have shown that drinking tea can also lower the risk of high cholesterol and blood pressure. Hibiscus tea is known to lower blood pressure, while studies say that black tea could even help prevent the risk of getting a second heart attack. (Source)
It Gives You Healthy Teeth
Tea is known to contain a natural form of fluoride, a compound known to help prevent dental cavities, thus encouraging healthy tooth enamel. Flavanoids, a polyphenol found in tea that contains strong antioxidants that slow, can slow down the formation of plaque by bacteria in the mouth. However, too much tea can cause excessive bone problems, so drink tea in moderation.
It Makes You Stronger
Tea contains antioxidants which are molecules that slow down or completely stop the effects of oxidants in our body, helping the body’s immune system to help fights infections, bacteria and viruses. Furthermore, tea is also rich in vitamins and minerals which helps the body absorb the required nutrients for a better, balanced health.
It Can Prevent Cancer
Green tea is reputed to help with cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, high cholesterol levels, cardiovascular diseases and more. It also contains a compound called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a powerful antioxidant in tea that kills cancer cells without harming any healthy tissue. ECGC has also been known that effectively lower cholesterol levels, and stopping the abnormal function of blood clots. It suggested that one should consume approximately 4 cups of green tea daily to reap the benefits of EGCG that inhibit cancer. (Source)